Global soybean market is led by the main buyer in China.Over the years, Brazil has been increasingly increased from the US soybean trades from the United States.Today, Brazil has even started to dominate the traditional off -season of soybean sales.Chinese buyers expand the purchase of Brazilian soybeans to reduce dependence on US goods.

Bloomberg Society on Monday (July 24) quoted anonymous insiders that Chinese buyers are buying Brazilian soybeans delivered in October, and at this time at this time it is usually the peak of American soybeans exports.Chinese buyers may buy more Brazilian soybeans in the fourth quarter.

This year coincides with Brazilian soybean record in a bumper harvest, and soybeans are much lower than competitors.The increase in Brazil's soybean transaction volume also shows that Brazilian President Lulla seeks a closer relationship with China to promote the economic growth of Brazil.

The transaction and procurement director of the Brazilian family agricultural comprehensive enterprise 3TENTOS Milani said when talking about Brazil's transportation expenses: "We will still have a competitive advantage at least in the next month."

With the expansion of Brazil's soybean production, American farmers are losing their competitive advantages in the global agricultural market.The situation of geopolitical tensions has also prompted China to seek a deeper relationship with Brazil and reduce long -term dependence on the United States.

The plan to deepen the relationship with China includes more funds from China and reduce the role of US dollars in foreign trade transactions.A Brazilian delegation's trip earlier this year promoted the two countries to reach more than 15 agreements, and China promised to invest about $ 10 billion (about S $ 13.3 billion).

Bloomberg's summary data shows that using Brazilian soybeans to produce edible oil and animal feed is favorable for Chinese processors, and the profit margin of American soybeans is negative. ThereforePurchase Brazilian soybeans in the early seasons.

According to the data of the ship's agent Alphamar, five ships have planned to load in Brazil in September.Shipping data shows that this is the earliest soybean transaction this season.

ALPHAMAR's business director Needo said: "There are a lot of inventory in the farm now, which will be shipped to the port within the next few months, so we will soon see more ships."