Miao Zonghan reported [email protected]

Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Working Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Monday (July 24), attended the BRICS conference in South Africa, once again threw anti -hegemonic discussions, saying that the network space was not a new battlefield for iron.

Scholars interviewees analyzed that Beijing is very clear that the structural competition between China and the United States is unavoidable. Even if Washington intends to revise relations with China, China will not easily change its claims for international order.

According to the press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Wang Yi attended a meeting of senior representatives of the BRICS Safety Affairs in Johannesburg on the 24th.In response to the theme of challenges for developing countries, he proposed a total of four suggestions for building a fair, reasonable, open, inclusive, secure, stable, and vibrant network space.

Wang Yi said that it is necessary to practice real multilateralism, support the United Nations to play a core role in global governance of network space, fully listen to the reasonable concerns of the majority of developing countries, establish fair and reasonable international rules, and improve the democratic and transparent Internet governance system.

He also said that the network space should be a big stage in full flowers, not a new battlefield for iron.It is necessary to adhere to fairness and justice, oppose any form of scientific and technological hegemony and network hegemony, so that all parties will do their best in the open and inclusive network space.

Wang Yi also mentioned that it is necessary to abide by the purpose and principles of the United Nations Charter, respect the network development path and management model independently selected by various countries, and resolutely resist the online military reserve competition, and oppose the use of network space to promote LSQUO; color revolution RSquo;

He emphasized that China attaches great importance to network security issues, actively participate in global network governance, and contributes China to maintaining global data and network security.China is willing to strengthen exchanges and deepen cooperation with the majority of emerging market countries and developing countries, and continue to make Chinese efforts to promote the reform of the global network governance system and build a community of destiny for network space.

Lu Ye, director of the Foreign Affairs Department of Taiwan Politburo, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post. In Beijing's cognition, it is basically difficult to avoid Sino -US structural competition. Short -term recovery contact may be tactical adjustments.Essence

Therefore, he believes that from this perspective, China will maintain a certain degree of interaction with the United States on the one hand, and on the other hand, it will continue to throw out the perspective of international order different from the perspective of the United States, hoping to win support for developing countries.

During the BRICS conference, Wang Yi also met with Indian national security advisers Dolvar, the Secretary of the Russian Federal Security Conference, Patrushev, and other high -level officials, and repeatedly emphasized support for multilateralism.

When meeting with Doma, he proposed that China -India is the two major forces in the multi -pole process. The two sides should follow the trend of the times and correctly grasp the direction of the development of relations between the two countries.

Wang Yi, director of the CPC Central Committee (second from left), July 24, during the meeting with the BRICS conference in Johannesburg, South Africa, talks to India's national security consultant Dorval (first from right).(Xinhua News Agency)

Wang Yi also reiterated that the heads of state of the two countries reached an important consensus on stable Sino -Indian relations at the Summit of the Twenty State Group of Indonesia at the end of last year at the end of last year, calling on the two parties to promote the early return of the two countries to return to the healthy and stable development track as soon as possible.

Lu Ye said that this year's G20 summit will be held in New Delhi in September. I believe that China will continue to strengthen interaction with India before that to ensure that India will at least fall to the western countries such as Europe and the United States.Criticism.

He believes that this is also a friendly international atmosphere for Chinese officials to attend the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in San Francisco in November, creating a more friendly international atmosphere.