The United States has rejected students from Chinese military -related institutions, but American allies Japan is turning green lights for these students.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday (July 24) that Japan did not avoid their willingness to welcome Chinese students.Some government officials and academic managers in Japan said that they are glad that after tightening the restrictions in Washington, they have shot their sights on an option outside the United States. They point out the importance of knowledge exchange and freedom of scientific exchanges.

"From the perspective of Chinese students, the United States has not considered them and rejected them." Hiroaki Aihara, Executive Vice President of Tokyo University."In contrast, they are very popular in Japan."

The then US President Trump issued an administrative order in 2020, prohibiting Chinese citizens related to the integrated strategy related to the Chinese military and civilians.Issue an American graduate visa.This administrative order was still valid during the current president of Biden Biden, which particularly affected students who were studying and graduated from seven Chinese military research universities (commonly known as the "Seven National Defense Schools").

Officials said that the Japanese government has no restrictions on these Chinese universities, although according to some Japanese business regulations, many of them are regarded as a national security risk for Japan.

A official in the Ministry of Economic and Industry of Japan said that graduates of China's "Seven National Defense Schools" can come to Japan to study engineering engineering for missile design.Before these students lived six months before they lived in Japan, they needed to obtain permits to actively contact missile -related technologies. After that, they generally had the right to contact these technologies.

The Japanese government said in June that as of March 2021, 39 students from the "Seven National Defense Schools" studied in Japan; this was the last year with data to investigate.The Japanese government said they didn't know what they were learning.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the United States and Japan will transfer sensitive technologies with military use to foreign citizens as "deemed exports", and even before the items leave the country.This means that export control methods are often the main tools to restrict international students from obtaining such technologies.

Japan said that starting from May 2022, if international students have been funded by contract or scholarship, or they are influenced by foreign governments, or they will accept instructions to engage in spy activities, Japan will begin export controls for indefinitely.Officials of the Ministry of Economy and Industry of Japan acknowledged that it is difficult to distinguish the latter's situation.

The official said that after the government has worked hard to raise people's risk awareness, most universities with science and engineering have established compliance systems.

However, these regulations are mainly applicable to the actual transfer of certain technologies with potential military purposes.Japan called on universities to review safety risks for potential students or researchers, but did not provide specific guidelines, nor did they check whether the university complied with advice.

Japanese officials said they welcomed international students and hoped to avoid restrictions on one -size -fits -all.

Ryo Sahashi, a professor of international relations at the University of Tokyo, said in a recent seminar: "To communicate with Chinese science and technology, both in the academic or in the business community, they will continue to play untilThe important role of the closure. "