(Phnom Penh / London Comprehensive) Cambodia officials have confirmed that the upgrade project of Yunyang Naval Base funded by the Chinese government has been completed.Satellite images show that the area of the base pier can be parked at an aircraft carrier or provides a strategic advantage for China in Thailand Bay.

The Cambodian Ministry of Defense spokesman Sochi confirmed to AFP on Tuesday (July 25) that the upgrade project of Yunyang Naval Base in southern Cambodia is about to be completed, but he denies that it is the base of China."We have shown that there is no Chinese military base there ... We are modernized our army in order to achieve the ability level that can protect the integrity of the territory."

Yunyang Naval Base faces the Thai Bay, near the South China Sea and the Malacca Strait.The upgrade and reconstruction project of the base was aid in China and officially started in June 2022.

The United States has always suspected that Beijing consolidates international influence by deploying military outposts in Cambodia.However, Cambodia has repeatedly denied that China provides the first special naval supply facility in Southeast Asia.

British Media: Yunyang Base Wharf can be parked in an aircraft carrier

According to the British Financial Times, the satellite image shot by the American business imaging company Blacksky shows that the upcoming Yunyang Naval Base Wharf, whether in terms of size and design, is similar to the Chinese military's base pier; bothThere are 335 -meter -long areas that can be parked at aircraft carriers.

Analysis pointed out that although China has also built a military base in the South China Islands and Reefs in the past, if China set up a base in another country, it will allow the United States to face complex situations when conflicts occur.A former American intelligence official interviewed and pointed out: "If China and the United States start war, the United States can bomb China's base in the South China Sea. But if it is Yunyang base, we will bomb the Cambodian territory."

Former East Asia and Pacific Affairs Assistant Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Wadenin believes that if the situation of the South China Sea is upgraded to a military confrontation, the Yunyang Base will exert great strategic value.In addition, the base will also expand the Chinese Navy's combat capabilities in the Malacca Strait.

Mai Awen, who has served as the Asian Affairs Counselor of the National Security Council, believes that Yunyang Base will enhance China's influence in Southeast Asia."Developing countries are rapidly becoming the field of military competition in the United States and China. Africa and Latin America may be the next goal."

A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in the United States said that Cambodia has stated that its constitution has banned foreign countries from establishing military bases in Cambodia, and reiterated that the upgrade project of Yunyang base is to strengthen Cambodia's military capabilities.