Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou said that the world can no longer bear another war, and Taiwan cannot become a victim of international power and political wrestling."Taiwan is not Israel. If a war in the Taiwan Strait is in Taiwan, will the United States stand unreasonably Taiwan?"

Ma Ying -jeou posted on Facebook on Wednesday (April 24) that recently saw that including Columbia University in the United StatesProfessor and students from famous universities such as New York University have been arrested by the police because of the bombing of the Gazan incident in Israel to support the Palestinians.

He said that he had obtained a master's degree in international law at New York University Law School and lived in New York for more than a year, and he was quite familiar with New York.Many students in the school are Jewish, so they are often nicknamed "NY JEW".However, in this conflict, the schools that were regarded by the United States as the most "Jewish" in the United States all appeared in support of the Palestinians, let alone the surf of opposition to conflict across the United States.

Ma Ying -jeou said, "What are these inspirations to us in Taiwan? First, even if the United States supports Israel, the American people have a ruler in their hearts and may not follow the government. For Palestine, students, studentsHe even chose to confront public power, and the United States fell into disagreement.Will the United States be so reserved in Taiwan? "

Ma Ying -jeou said that the Middle East war continued, and the people who suffered were civilians. Is Israel and Palestine."We will definitely not allow Taiwan to become the next hot spot."

Ma Ying -jeou pointed out that he has repeatedly advocated that Taiwan must of course "prepare war" and have sufficient defense forces, but the purpose of "preparing war" is to be the purpose"Stop war" is more important to "avoid war."The leaders who truly think of the people will go through the war to avoid the war.He took Taiwan college students to visit mainland China for two consecutive years. The purpose was to communicate and understand the basis of persistence on the permanent, peaceful prosperity of the two sides of the strait.

He said that the world can no longer bear another war, and more dialogue and consensus is needed.Taiwan cannot become a victim of international power and political wrestling.The two sides of the strait belong to the Chinese nation, all of which are descendants of Yan and Huang. It is essentially different from Russia and Ukraine and Eva. It is absolutely sufficient wisdom. It has sufficient disputes peacefully, mutual benefit and prosperity, and revitalize China.