The Taiwan Defense Director Qiu Guozheng said that the US military's military reserve inventory in Taiwan has a rough plan, but emphasizing that the matter may involve politics and cross -strait issues and need to be cautious.

Comprehensive Taiwan Pao and the Central News Agency reported that the Taiwan Legislative Council's Foreign Affairs and National Defense Commission held a joint meeting with the judicial and legal committees on Wednesday (April 24). Qiu Guozheng attended the meeting and prepared quality inquiries.

When the DPP legislator Wang Dingyu asked and the progress of the US military East Asia reserve ammunition placed in Taiwan, Qiu Guozheng said that there are many definitions of the storage storage. If it is a maintenance center, there will be equipment such as components and other equipmentStore in Taiwan.

But Qiu Guozheng said that the matter is big, "Why should we put foreign equipment in Taiwan" may cause political and cross -strait issues, so it must be very cautious, and arms and arms fires.The difference is very different.

Wang Dingyu asked if he could explain the relevant location, projects and methods. Qiu Guo responded that this issue was not suitable for discussions here. Although the progress was not clear, there was a rough direction plan.Officials from the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense added afterwards that Qiu Guozheng's rough direction and planning refers to the military storage storage.

In addition, for the US Senate on Tuesday night in the United States, the bill of supporting Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan in the United States, Qiu Guozheng said that this is a good thing.

Qiu Guozheng revealed on March 6 last year that Taiwan and the United States were negotiating in Taiwan and the United States to discuss Taiwan's storage of U.S. ammunition.

Su Ziyun, director of the National Defense Strategy and Resources Research Institute of Taiwan National Defense Safety Research Institute, was evaluated at the time. The purpose was to increase the reserves of US military supplies in Taiwan to prepare for the use of the U.S. military.Can be used for the Taiwan army.