Taiwan scholars' analysis believes that before the President Lai Qingde took office on May 20, mainland China would be "soft and then hard" in Taiwan, and then stressing Taiwan's rise at 520.

However, the current communication between the mainland and the United States and the United States and Taiwan is smooth. Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou's visit to the mainland can help Beijing to communicate internally.Essence

The National Policy Research Institute Foundation on Friday (April 12) held a symposium on the "45th Anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Law, Ma Ying -jeou Visit the Land and Japan and the Philippine Summit".Zhang Wuyue, director of the Research Center of Tamkang University Cross -Strait Research Center, made the above view.

Ma Ying -jeou visited the mainland in the second day of April and met with the mainland President China.Zhang Wuyue, who has long observed the situation on both sides of the strait, believes that the first "Xi Jun" was held in Singapore in 2015. The mainland attaches great importance to peaceful development, but since 2019, it has promoted a peaceful and unified process.

He said that the "Xi Jun" is an important performance indicator of the mainland's Taiwan policy. Ma Ying -jeou visited the mainland for the first time last year, and there were very few mainland news reports.The nation's common homeland and firmly realized the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, etc., and received Ma Ying -jeou with high specifications.

Zhang Wuyue pointed out that after the Chinese official in 2018, the former Chairman of the Kuomintang chairman of the Kuomintang's CPC Central Committee did not meet with important political figures or entrepreneurs in Taiwan.This time, through meeting with Ma Ying -jeou, it can be explained to the Taiwan policy internally and reduced the voice of martial arts.The Xi Ma Club will become a normal mechanism platform.

He said that from Chinese officials to encourage Taiwanese people to travel to the mainland, and seeing that mainlanders go to Taiwan, they can foresee that the second "Xi Ma Club" will play a role in cross -strait exchanges.The Lai Qingde government, who is in office 520, can consider opening up mainland tourists to Taiwan and relax the group to travel to the mainland.

In addition, U.S. President Bayidon, Japanese Prime Minister Kishida, and Philippine President Konatsu Macas held a three -party summit in Washington on April 11.

Su Ziyun, director of the National Defense War and Resources Research Institute of Taiwan National Defense Security Research Institute, said at the symposium that US -China relations are not just competition, and the United States has regarded China as a threat.In the past three years, Biden has established a multilateral coordination mechanism to block China. It is "the United States, Japan and South Korea" in Northeast Asia, and Southeast Asia.In addition, the United States, Japan, and Britain will also jointly perform military exercises in 2025, and the British army will also enter the Pacific region.

Su Ziyun said that the joint statement of the US -Japan Summit was the longest in the United States and other countries in recent years. The content was not only military cooperative defense, but also including technology, space and climate change.In particular, the status of the U.S. military command in Japan, so he defined it as the "US -Japan Security Community", and Japan's relationship with the United States is as close as Britain.

Xiao Yanan, an associate researcher at the International Research Center of the University of Politics, pointed out that there is no breakthrough in the South China Sea Code of Conduct and cannot change the facts of the military deployment of Mainland China in the South China Sea., Competition for each other will continue.