Hong Kong media reports that Radio Free Asia will officially withdraw from Hong Kong at the end of this month.

According to the online media "Hong Kong 01" on Tuesday (March 12), the internal news of Liberty Asia revealed that the company has notified employees of Hong Kong departments to withdraw from Hong Kong deployment in late February this year.

The department has four full -time employees and three to four part -time employees. It is reported that individual employees will be transferred to the Taipei office, and some employees will be transferred to the Washington headquarters.Close in mid -April.

Since the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, many foreign media have chosen to move the Hong Kong branch to other cities in Asia. For example, the New York Times moved some Hong Kong staff to Seoul in 2020, and at least 10 Hong Kong media were suspended.Including Apple Daily's position news public news.

Public information shows that Radio Free Asia was established in 1996. It is a private non -profit news agency funded by the US International Media Department. The Hong Kong -made media media has described Radio Free Asia as an American agent.

When the Hong Kong Security Director Deng Bingqiang attended the 23 Legislative Explanation Meeting of the Basic Law of the Democratic Construction Federation in February this year, he had named Criticism of Radio Free Asia.Radio is funded by the US federal government.

In response to reporters at the scene, whether the media did not allow the media to visit the strangers, Deng Bingqiang said that the Hong Kong Government would conduct research on this.

After the above news came out, the Hong Kong -made media Dagong Wenhui.com issued a comment article to criticize the political smell of the free Asian Radio.Can't see a fair and fair report or position of a media. "