The Kuomintang of Taiwan in the wild started internal organizational reform earlier to integrate Huang Fuxing's party department into the local party department.In an interview, the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun stated that the Blue Camp Think Tank will reform sharply and be younger.

Comprehensive Taiwan United Daily News and Zhongshi News Network reported that Zhu Lilun led the party director to pay tribute to the party ’s prime minister Sun Yat -sen, the party’ s prime minister Sun Yat -sen in the 99th anniversary of his death on Tuesday (March 12).He was interviewed by the media, and when he talked about the Kuomintang reform topic, he made the above statements.

He said that the Kuomintang think tank must be reforming sharply. The first must be internalized, and it must be able to complete the party and the county government of the Legislative Yuan.Everyone has consensus.

Zhu Lilun said that the second is that you must be younger and the new generation of ideas must be introduced into a think tank.Think tanks cannot maintain such a huge organization and do not have such capable operating expenses. This Friday will hold a new board of directors to re -election, and will work hard in the direction of lightweight and cooperation from all walks of life.

Zhu Lilun pointed out that the Kuomintang's transformation is continuous. RegardlessOrganization has completely moved to internalization, flatness, and lightweight, and other decision -making organizations should also do so in the future.