For the controversial land distribution, the DPP legislators proposed that the DPP legislators proposed that the naturalization of the Luci must swore loyalty to Taiwan.

Comprehensive United News Network and Taiwan Central News Agency reported that the DPP legislator Huang Jie Monday (March 11) proposals requested that Lu Ping "sworn into citizenship".

She proposed that in the draft amendments to the People's Relations Regulations on the Cross -Strait, the "Enthusiastic Oath" and "have the basic knowledge of my country's basic language and the basic knowledge of national rights and obligations" were newly added as the necessary conditions for applying for settlement.

Huang Jie said that if Lu Bao wants to be citizen, he must swore to give up the citizenship of the People's Republic of China and loyal to Taiwan.Essence

In this regard, the Taiwan Minister of the Interior Lin Youchang said that there is no procedure for the citizenship at present, but many countries in the world, including the United States and Canada, have procedures for publicity.

Lin Youchang believes that if Lu is required to be an oath, the regulations on cross -strait people's relations must be amended to increase new regulations.He believes that many people agree that to join a big family, loyalty is taken for granted.

In addition, Qiu Tai San, chairman of the Taiwan MAC, said that the foundation of the land and the external matching must be considered as a whole.If you want to treat them equally, you must analyze the advantages and disadvantages, and there are related supporting facilities. The Legislative Yuan should be discussed.