Xia Liyan, vice chairman of the Kuomintang in Taiwan, visited mainland China on Wednesday (March 13).

According to the Taiwan United Daily report, Xia Liyan revealed in an interview with POP POP News Broadcasting Program on Wednesday morning that he would take the opportunity to go to Chongqing with the staff of the Ministry of Affairs of the Kuomintang on the afternoon to pay for the New Year to the Taiwanese businessmen. Thank you for right.Kuomintang's support.

Xia Liyan said that in the seven -day trip, he will visit Chongqing, Chengdu, Jinan, Qingdao and other cities.

The criticism of the DPP, Xia Liyan said that he did not negotiate on behalf of the government or anyone to the mainland of China, but just met some friends and exchanged opinions.

But he also said that as the common people, he has freedom of speech, at least it can represent the Kuomintang to talk to and express his views on the turning over the Jinxia waters, which is taken for granted.

In response to the dispute over the waters of Jinxia, ​​Xia Liyan expressed that he hopes that the two sides of the strait will not increase hostility spirals due to a single incident and affect the feelings of the people.

He emphasized that as the biggest opposition party of the Legislative Yuan, the Kuomintang has obliged to supervise the government to properly handle the matter, but he also knows the hard work of sea patrol staff and hopes that the prosecution to restore the facts as soon as possible to be responsible.

After the overturning incident occurred on February 14th on February 14th, Xia Liyan led a group to visit mainland China at the end of last month.People meet.

The DPP criticized Xia Liyan not only did not speak for the hard -working sea patrol personnel, but instead concluded the mainland government, which made the Taiwanese feel sad.There are just some things that happen. The more dangerous moments, the more you need to dialogue.