The Cambodian police destroyed the Western Port Fraud Park and arrested many people. The local immigration bureau said that eight arrested Taiwanese would be repatriated to mainland China.

According to the Cambodian Chinese Media Cambodia, Cambodia Police, Cambodia Police Saturday (March 9) and Sunday (10th) have been cracked on two telecommunications fraud parks in Xigang, and a total of 479 locals and foreigners were arrested.This includes eight Taiwanese.

The Cambodian General Administration of Immigration said that the Taiwanese involved will be repatriated to mainland China.

Wind Media reported that the Burmese police also arrested six Taiwanese suspected of fraud last November, and then reported that the Burmese Junior Judicial Department decided to transfer six people to mainland China police.In response, a spokesman for the Taiwan Foreign Ministry said that the Taiwan representative office in Myanmar has continued to actively assist in the pipelines of all parties to return to Taiwan as soon as possible.

However, the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs also said at the time that Langbang was a minority autonomous region in Myanmar. It has an independent judicial system and does not belong to the central government of Myanmar and has a close relationship with mainland China. Therefore, it is difficult to confirm six.Whether the news of the Taiwan scammer was transferred to mainland China was true.