Taiwan's representative of the United States said that in mainland China, it is trying to compete with Taiwan chip technology through "deception" and "stealing". Although it has injected a lot of investment, it has not yet succeeded.

Yu Da? On Wednesday (February 7), in an exclusive interview published by Reuters, the above statements are made.

Yu Da? In the interview, it was questioned that there were reports that Chinese chip manufacturers were at the point of building the next generation of smartphone processors.

Yu Da? Said: "They (Chinese chip manufacturers) really do not act according to the rules, they deceive, plagiarism, stealing technology, etc." Therefore, Yu Da questioned whether the chip manufacturer of mainland China couldIn the context of the United States to curb the development of Beijing's advanced science and technology, the next -generation processor can be created early this year.

Liu Pengyu, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in the United States, responded that the above statement was "no common sense" and was not attentive."China's scientific and scientific achievements are not obtained through 'deception' and 'stealing'. We always develop by our own strength, and have the confidence to continue to strengthen China's strength to seek self -reliance and technological innovation."

Washington said that China ’s use of its huge market and the control of the supply chain forced other countries to transfer strategic technologies. China’ s extensive cyber theft has become the number one threat to affect American science and technology competitiveness.

The Taiwan spy catcher has investigated several mainland Chinese companies suspected of illegally recruiting semiconductor engineering and other scientific and technological talents.