The Taiwan Tourism Department suddenly announced that it will stop recruiting travel groups in mainland China. The tourism industry has approved the policy to change the policy. It is hoped that the government will give a reasonable explanation.

Comprehensive Taiwan ETTODAY News Cloud, Central News Agency and Economic Daily reported that KMT legislators Wang Hongwei, Ye Yuanzhi, Director of the Kuomintang Group and Fairness, Shui Yunxiang, as well as Wu Yanhui and China High Quality of the Vice Chairman of the Travel Industry Association of the Republic of China Travel Industry AssociationLi Qiyue, chairman of the Tourism Development Association, and Chen Yixuan, chairman of the Taipei City Tourism Association, held a press conference at the Kuomintang Central Party Department on Thursday (February 8th) to criticize the government's order to change and demand that the Ministry of Transport immediately recovered its life.

Wu Yanhui said that after the government released the above news, many operators jumped the chickens.Mainland China Travel Group is an important business of Taiwan travel agencies and has a great influence. Especially, it is expected that 70 % of the groups have been collected in June.The problem.

Wu Yanhui pointed out that the travel industry has finally survived the epidemic and ushered in a group to go to all parts of the world. However, it is not allowed to go to mainland China.Nowadays, the special regulations for epidemic prevention have been abolished. He wants to ask the legal basis for the government's ban on groups.

Wu Yanhui said that many industry players have reported to the guild that if the relevant unit does not give a formal and reasonable explanation on the prohibited travel group in land, it will protest on the street on the day of the 520 president's inauguration day.

Li Qiyue pointed out that 90 % of the 4,000 travel industry in Taiwan went to mainland China and went to the mainland to account for 30 % of the total number of large travel agencies. Today, the market cannot be opened.Economic losses are calculated in units of 100 million.In addition, because government policies cause operators to cause direct damage after June, the government should be dealt with.

Wang Hongwei said that for the election, the DPP promised to terminate the ban in March before the election. As a result, less than a month after the election, the original campaign check directly jumped the ticket.The government not only has no faith, but also causes huge losses of the industry, but also announced the last working day before the Spring Festival.She also said that such a policy is to punish Taiwan's travel operators and consumers, and solemnly ask the Ministry of Transport to immediately recover.

Taiwan has previously announced that the "banning group" will be lifted from March 1 this year and will open Taiwan to travel to mainland China.The Taiwan Tourism Agency originally scheduled for a detailed execution plan on Wednesday (7th), but suddenly the turn announced that it would stop recruiting tour groups to the mainland from now on, because "the mainland has not yet arranged for the Luke tour group to Taiwan so far, and recently announced that it has changed unilaterally.M503 and other route operation methods.

In this regard, Zhu Fenglian, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland China, responded on Wednesday that this will only allow the Taiwan people and the tourism industry to once again carry out political manipulation of the DPP by tourism, hinder the communication between compatriots on both sides of the strait, and damage the cross -strait sides of the straitThe welfare of compatriots was dissatisfied.

The Taiwan Mainland Committee said through a press release on the same day that since August last year, the Taiwanese side has repeatedly called on land to respond to the proposal of the Taiwanese side as soon as possible that the people on both sides of the strait have to organize groups to conduct two -way tourism exchange, but the land side not only not only not onlyThere is no positive response, and the atmosphere of worsening cross -strait exchanges on the two sides of the strait is deliberately creating incidents on both sides of the strait, which caused the original good proposal of the Taiwanese side to be unable to promote it.

The Taiwan MAC stated that in order to promote the healthy and orderly exchanges between the two sides of the strait, the basic position of the Taiwan side has not changed.The recovery of normal communication activities on both sides of the strait is that both parties need to bear their own responsibilities, and through appropriate communication arrangements, in order to allow people who participate in related exchange activities to work with peace of mind to communicate, creating a solid foundation for the harmonious development of cross -strait relations.