Taiwan stopped recruiting travel groups in land. In response, former President Ma Ying -jeou said that the DPP government never communicated with the mainland.

Comprehensive United News Network and Liberty Times reported that Ma Ying -jeou's younger night (February 8) used the convention to buy annual dishes in Xinglong Market.What happened.

Ma Ying -jeou said that the two sides of the strait must be expensive. The biggest problem now is that the government never communicates with the mainland. He feels very strange and how can there be such a government.

One reason why the Tourism Department pointed out that the emergency shouting of the tour group of the Lu Tourism Troupe was the M503 route in the mainland. In this regard, Ma Ying -jeou said that it was very emotional to think of the M503.Unexpectedly, there is a problem now. I hope that when the government deal with these problems, be careful and tolerant, and do not cause unnecessary trouble.

In addition, when the vice president of Taiwan Lai Qingde talked about the suspension of the tour group, Cai Yingwen continued to release goodwill to mainland China during his tenure, but unfortunately, he did not see that in mainland China released goodwill in the same way.Recently, the status quo has been changed one -sided, and the M503 route is adjusted to impact the safety of flights on both sides of the strait.

Lai Qingde said that his attitude is still as mentioned as before. He has the same promise and goodwill on both sides of the strait. He hopes that he can return to the state of equivalent and friendly each other.

Taiwan has announced that the "ban" will be lifted from March 1 this year and will open a group to travel to mainland China.The Taiwan Tourism Agency originally scheduled to announce the detailed execution plan on Wednesday (February 7), but suddenly turned, announcing that it would stop recruiting travel groups to the mainland from now, because "the mainland has not yet arranged for the Luke travel groups to Taiwan so far. A few days agoOne -sided announcement of changing the operation of routes such as M503 ".