Tokyo, Tokyo, Kobawa, Koichi, visited Taiwan and met with Taiwan Tsai Ing -wen and Vice President Lai Qingde.

Comprehensive Taiwan Freedom Times, Yiping News, etc., Taiwanese spokesman Lin Yanshan said on Wednesday (February 7) that the Presidential Palace sincerely welcomes Xiaochi Lily Subsidon to visit Taiwan.Take a visit to the delegation and exchange opinions on related issues.

Lin Yanchen said that Xiaochi Huruko has visited Taiwan many times during his time as a member of the Japanese Parliament. This is the first time that Kosawa Lily was the first visit to Taiwan.Xiaochi lily actively promotes Tokyo exchanges with Taiwan for a long time. It is hoped that through this visit, to allow Tokyo and Taiwan to further strengthen various substantial exchanges and cooperation and deepen the friendship between Taiwan and Japan.

It is reported that Xiaochi Lilyzi will also meet with Taipei Mayor Jiang Wanan, Digital Minister Tang Feng, and Su Jia, the chairman of Taiwan -Japan Relations, and will go to Wuzhishan to mourn Lee Teng -hui, the former president of Taiwan.