The Taiwan Legislative Dean South Korea Yu Monday (February 5) and the new legislators Zhou Wanlai inspected the various units of the Legislative Yuan together.South Korea ’s Yu described that Zhou Wanlai was a classic textbook level of the Legislative Yuan. He hoped to cooperate with Zhou Wanlai to allow the legislators to ask the Legislative Yuan to get the best logistical support.

Comprehensive United Daily News and Zhongshi News reported that South Korea ’s Yu inspected the various units of the Legislative Yuan on Monday morning. This was the first public trip after he was appointed as the legislature.Zhou Wanlai also went to the Legislative Yuan office with South Korea ’s Yu to pay tribute to the employees.

South Korea ’s Yu said in an interview that he was honored to invite Zhou Wanbu as the Secretary -General of the Legislative Yuan.He described Zhou Wan to the level of the Legislative Court's rules and textbooks. The power, game rules, models, and priorities of the opposing courts were clear.

South Korea Yu said that he hopes to cooperate with Zhou Wanlai to allow the legislators to get the best logistical support in the Legislative Yuan.He also said that Zhou Wanlai can provide professional opinions on the rules, conflicts, blind spots, and dislikes of all members of the meeting.

Zhou Wanlai said that he would like to thank South Korea ’s love. After taking over as the secretary -general, he will do his best to allow the legislators to work normally and provide a better environmental space for legislators to ask for politics.

Zhou Wan's public career is mostly in the Legislative Yuan. He has served as the section chief and director, director, consultant, and deputy secretary general of the Commissioner. He was the "left and right hands" of former Legislative Dean Wang Jinping.In 2014, Zhou Wanlai was nominated by former President Ma Ying -jeou as the examination member, and then left the Legislative Yuan for more than 30 years.