South Korea Yu, the new director of Taiwan, reportedly appointed Zhou Wanli, deputy secretary -general of the Legislative Yuan as the Secretary -General of the Legislative Yuan.

Comprehensive reports from Taiwan joint newspapers reported that after working on Thursday (February 1), South Korean Yu began to figure out the secretary general of the Legislative Yuan.It is reported that when South Korean Yu visited the former Legislative Dean Wang Jinping on the evening of the same day, Wang Jinping recommended Zhou Wanlai, who was skilled in the operation of the Legislative Yuan.

When talking about the conditions of the Legislative Yuan's Secretary -General of the Legislative Yuan earlier, South Korea ’s Yu has stated that he hopes that“ to surpass the party ”, be able to reconcile the tribes, deal with the hospital affairs, and help each legislator ask questions to askThe logistics work of politics makes all members of the Legislative Yuan be harmonious as much as possible.

报道称,周万来能获得韩国瑜青睐的关键原因,除了符合上述条件,还包括韩国瑜需要一位熟悉立法院议事的能手帮助,来应对未来立法院三党不过半的激烈局面And Zhou Wanlai is recognized by the Legislative Yuan "live dictionary".

Zhou Wanbi is 72 years old. Most of the public career career works in the Legislative Yuan. He has served as the chief and director, director, consultant and deputy secretary general of the Commissioner. He was once Wang Jinping's "left and right hands".In 2014, Zhou Wanlai was nominated by former President Ma Ying -jeou as the examination member, and then left the Legislative Yuan who had been serving for nearly 38 years.

During the work of the Legislative Yuan, Zhou Wanlai participated in the staff of the Legislative Yuan of the Legislative Yuan of the Legislative Yuan of the Legislative Yuan of the Legislative Yuan of the Legislative Yuan.

It is reported that Zhou Wanliang not only did not have a good job of negotiating regulations and practical operations, but in the past, he gave positive evaluations in maintaining neutral work and doing things.If the news is true, this will break the past secretary general of the Legislative Yuan.