The Taiwan Legislative Yuan held the 11th Legislative Dean for re -election yesterday (February 1). Han Yu and Jiang Qichen, the candidates of Zheng and Deputy Dean nominated by the Chinese Kuomintang of the Wild Party, were successfully elected.

However, the outside world is most concerned about the former Kaohsiung mayor, South Korea Yu returning to the Taiwan political scene. With the strong support of the Kuomintang, he won the Great President of the Legislative Yuan. How he will affect the development of Taiwan's political situation and how he will fight with the new President Lai Qingde.More importantly, in the past, South Korea ’s Yu, which was regarded as a harmonious relationship with Beijing, and after winning the Board of Legislative Council, the future decision of the Kuomintang’ s defense policy on both sides of the strait and even Taiwan was also the focus.

Matsuda Kangbo, a professor at the University of Tokyo, Japan, commented on Taiwan Media today that the Democratic Progressive Party Chen Shui -bian was in power in the past, and the ruling party was also in the Legislative Yuan.In the case of the Legislative Yuan's "Chaoya Da", the Kuomintang and the allies cup or blocked dozens of Taiwan defense related bills at that time.In addition, Taiwan is not like the U.S. President's rejuvenation of the bill sent by Congress. As a result, Matsuda Kangbo believes that in the future, the fate of related military policies and military purchase orders launched by the Lai Qingde government will be related to Taiwan's defense security.

Song Wendi, a global Chinese hub researcher at the Atlantic Council of the United States, explained that for a long time, Beijing's Taiwan policy has been paying attention to two levels: send hopes on the "Taiwan authorities", or to entrust the hope of the "Taiwanese".Therefore, South Korea ’s Yu returned to politics to win the dean of the Legislative Yuan, and established the administrative and legislative power of Taiwan.

Song Wendili believes that the DPP, which is not happy in Beijing, has declined in the votes and the decline in the legislature in the election, making Beijing aware of more responses in the "hope of Taiwanese voters".

Why does CCTV name Korean Yu?

China Official Media CCTV (CCTV) commented a few days before the election of the Taiwan Legislative Dean that South Korea ’s Yu firmly supports the“ 1992 Consensus ”, and it is absolutely“ not kissing her beauty ”.Based on the "correct choice".

After CCTV's shot, related analysis and Taiwan's public opinion also began to observe. The future cross -strait policy of South Korea ’s Yu and the Kuomintang, and even whether the blue and white parties will contact Beijing in the future and the geometry of interactive models will emerge.

In response to this issue, Zhang Junhao, a professor at the Department of Political Science at Donghai University, told that specifically, the party led by Ke Wenzhe is bound to compete with the Kuomintang in cross -strait policies.

Professor Zhang explained that this is because the people's party hopes to continue the supporters of the Kuomintang from cross -strait issues. Therefore, it is foreseeable that in this issue, Ke Wenzhe and the Kuomintang will have several co -izting relationships.For example, the "service trade agreement" that both blue and white parties before the election will restart, or the amendment of the existing "reverse osmosis method" will be predicted to be the focus.

Analysis of the changes in cross -strait relations behind the people's party under the "secret help" of the people's party.Mike Chinoy and senior reporter Peter Enav joint commented that Lai Qingde, who was about to take office, lacked political forces, the Legislative Yuan was led by pro -China, and Taiwan's defense and security will be more vulnerable.South Korean Yu's masterpiece will make Taiwan's weak defense ability more difficult to enhance, and the pressure may increase, forcing the surrounding Taiwanese to choose a political compromise with it under the threat of Xi Jinping.

What will be the next Taiwan strategy in Beijing?Song Wendi analyzed the BBC that since the Taiwan government and the people have more space for hope, Beijing should have a strategic patience to Taiwan on the political level.

South Korea Yu returns to Taipei politics

South Korea ’s Yu, who had a very popular popularity in Taiwan. After the mayor of Kaohsiung was dismissed, he returned to Taipei’ s Political Center. His every move was the focus of public opinion.

When South Korean Yu returned to the Legislative Yuan on the first day, he took an umbrella and laughed at the "Heaven" in the Taiwan Legislative Hall with "baldness and umbrellas, no heaven".Layout.

Earlier, South Korea ’s Yu also responded to the outside world that he was not serious and lazy when he was a legislator more than 20 years ago.South Korea Yu said, "Actually, I have also admitted that I had indulgence in the Legislative Yuan when I was young, but that was 20 years ago. Today I am different."

The visits to Hong Kong and Macao 2019 Hong Kong and Macao Mayor Kaohsiung MayorThe joint office has provoked controversy.

Zhang Junhao said that Mr. Han used a strong and controversial speech and actions in the past. This political style was evaluated in Taiwan's politics.However, as the head of the highest public opinion organs in Taiwan, South Korea ’s Yu needs to maintain neutrality in the parliament according to law, and at the same time, it also needs to receive politics and think tank visits in various countries."The Kuomintang vowed to reform after the election, and hopes to find young voters, can the Korean style be adjusted because of this? I think the Kuomintang's challenge has just begun."

After South Korea ’s Yu won, Taiwanese President Tsai Ing -wen posted on Facebook to congratulate South Korea’ s Yu and Jiang Qichen.Tsai Ing -wen said that she hopes that the new parliament in the future can cross the party, and promote various bills and budgets that are beneficial to the country through benign communication and rational supervision.