Taiwan Democratic Party candidates have been elected president for three consecutive sessions .Taiwanese voters who reflect the confrontation of cross -strait relations still account for the majority. Lai Qingde's victory's speech is expected to make Beijing "very unsatisfactory". In the next few months, Beijing has no scaredness for Taiwan's attack on Taiwan.

Since 2000, no political parties have been in power for more than eight consecutive years.Wang Xinxian, a specially -appointed professor of the East Asia Research Institute of Taiwan, analyzed during an interview with Lianhe Zaobao. Lai Qingde's election means that the DPP may be in power for a long time, and Lai Qingde may be in power for eight years.

Beijing has repeatedly criticized Lai Qingde, who is currently the Vice President, is "Taiwan independence stubborn". Wang Xinxian pointed out that Lai Qingde's victory speech published on Saturday (January 13) has no political positioning that Beijing wants to see at all.Therefore, Beijing's statement of Lai Qingde "must be very dissatisfied."

Wang Xinxian judged that the Beijing expected would continue to pressure with language and military deterrence, and promoted Lai Qingde to release what Beijing wanted to hear in his presidential inauguration speech on May 20.Beijing may also be added to The Strait Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) will be strengthened.Economic attraction.Military activities east of the Taiwan Strait Middle Line will be more frequent. As for whether there will be a large -scale military exercise, it depends on Lai Qingde's next statement.

SCOTT Kennedy, a senior adviser to the US International Strategy Research Center (CSIS), pointed out in an interview that although Beijing has stated the danger of Lai Qingde's election and will maintain the pressure on Taiwan in military, economic, and diplomatic, "We are notIt is possible to see any worst case, including direct conflict or embargo. "

Gan Side said that Beijing must rethink the strategy of cross -strait relations.Taiwanese voters have stated three times in a row that even in the face of risks, they are still willing to be governed by the DPP."At the same time, Taipei and Washington cannot expect Beijing to learn the correct lessons through this experience. In the future, all parties must maintain highly humility, caution and vigilance."

Zhu Feng, Executive Dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, told this newspaper that Lai Qingde's election showed that Taiwanese voters who held countermeasures for cross -strait relations still accounted for the majority.

Zhu Feng said that this does not mean that Lai Qingde will be more likely to take office in the background independence;"And think about how to work in Taiwan to really implement and deepen.

The mainland maritime department announced on the eve of the Taiwan election (January 12) that it will perform a week's military task for one week from Sunday (January 14) in some waters in the north of the Yellow Sea in the Bohai Strait.

Zhu Feng pointed out that if Lai Qingde tried to challenge the mainland bottom line after being elected, it would definitely bring new challenges to the stability and peaceful development of cross -strait relations.The military task of the mainland's election the next day in Taiwan shows the "unwanted will and determination" on the mainland on the Taiwan issue.

U.S. Secretary of State Brilling held a talks with Liu Jianchao, Minister of the CPC Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Taiwan. Officials in the US military and economy officials have begun dialogue in the past week.The British media also quoted news that the United States plans to send senior delegations to visit Taiwan after the selection of Taiwan.The above -mentioned interaction is interpreted as preparations for the situation in the Taiwan Strait that may be warmed up after the Taiwan -US election.

Drew Thompson, a senior researcher at the State University of Singapore State University, said in an interview that no matter who was elected, Washington would cooperate with the new government to seek common interests and proper management differences. "The most important thing is that the United States is the United States.It will seek to maintain the current peaceful status quo on both sides of the strait. "