South Korean Yu may be the Legislative Dean

The election of the Taiwan legislators ended, and the parliamentary facing the small situation of the small field.The outside world speculates that in the future, the legislator may be ranked first by the Kuomintang's number one legislator.After serving, it still depends on the key minority played by the people's party and whether it agree.

Taiwan, Legislative members' election ended, the DPP has determined to continue its ruling, but its legislature seatWithout half of the threshold, only 51 seats were won, a decrease of 10 seats from 2020.In contrast, although the Kuomintang and the people's party have not reached half the threshold, they have grown over the last election.

In this election, the Kuomintang won 52 legislators (excluding Chen Chaoming, which is currently suspended due to the suspension of the case and won the election as a party), an increase of 14 seats from four years ago;Three seats four years ago.

Since the Taiwan Legislative Dean is elected and voted by all legislators, under the small situation of the small field, all parties generally speculateDean of the Legislative Yuan.

South Korea ’s Yu was running for the president four years ago, and finally won 5.52 million votes to Tsai Ing -wen, who lost to 8.17 million votes.South Korea ’s high volume has still attracted much attention in the past four years. Not only did the Kuomintang presidential candidate have been confirmed, many people have persuaded to enter the battle. Ke Wenzhe revealed at the end of last year that South Korean Yu may have been his deputy candidate at the end of last year.Essence

It is also repeatedly been discussed because of the relationship between South Korea ’s Yu and Ke Wenzhe, which is afraid that it will affect the Kuomintang's election. South Korean Yu clarified in Tainan on January 5th.South Korea ’s Yu (saying) is wrong, and it is called to focus on voting to support Hou Kang.

For the support of South Korean Yu as the Legislative Dean, Ke Wenzhe emphasized at the press conference after the selection that private friendship is the same.

Huang Guochang attracts middle voters and even pan -green voters for the people's party

The successful expansion of the people's party in this election campaign has become a key minority; and the joining of Huang Guochang, a veteran of the party, was regarded as the key to attract middle voters and even green voters.

After the election of the legislators in 2020, Huang Guochang continued to promote the exposure of disadvantages. When he quit in November last year, he quickly joined the people's party and ranked second in the list of non -partitions.This time he returned to the Legislative Yuan and believed that it would also become a general party.

Luo Zhizheng was dragged down by private film storms

The Democratic Progressive Party, which continues to be in power, is not ideal. The most concerned one week before the election is the legislator Luo Zhizheng's private video outflow .In addition, the Kuomintang also received a 41 -minute recording file, which claimed to talk to Tsai Ing -wen privately before the election, which included issues such as religion, renovation, and personnel in the party, which also caused controversy.

Luo Zhizheng eventually, in the election campaign in Banqiao District, New Taipei City, with a slight gap of 1.35 percentage points, Ye Yuanzhi, who lost to the Kuomintang, showed that the impact of related storm was indeed significant.

Although Miao Boya was defeated, he leaned the blue camp iron ticket warehouse

In addition, the DPP adopted the "Democratic League" model this time, which brought the Social Democratic Party Taipei City CouncilorMiao Boya , in Da'an District, Taipei City, Lanying, and Luo Zhiqiang of the Kuomintang.

Although the final result was lost, Miao Boya took the high volume of the young ethnic group and still won the approximate vote rate of 45%.There are loose.