After Taiwan grouped fish recovered to land, the first batch of batch of batch of batch of batch of batchAbout 24 tons of live fish on Thursday (January 11) arrived in Dongshan Port, Fujian.

According to the CCTV news client report, after the inspection and quarantine of Xiamen Customs, the 23.96 tons of fresh grouper fish was successfully completed the customs clearance procedures on Thursday (January 11).This is the first batch of Taiwan fresh grouper that entered the mainland that entered the mainland on December 22, 2023, which has returned to Taiwan's grouper, marking the official restart of the relevant trade.

It is reported that Taiwan's grouper is tender and delicious. It logs in to Dongshan from Taiwan ’s small trade way through live water fishing vessels.The degree retains the freshness of live fish.

In order to ensure the successful customs fish after the recovery, Xiamen Customs promptly informed the General Administration of Customs to inform the relevant enterprises in the jurisdiction.Jointly held a symposium on the local business department to interpret the customs regulatory policy, and coordinate the construction of the dock management units to strengthen the construction of supporting facilities for the designated regulatory venue.

After learning about the desire of supply and demand on both sides of the strait, Xiamen Customs and Port joint inspection units formulate joint boarding inspection plans to implement inspection and quarantine, preventive disinfection, and cargo inspection in accordance with laws and regulations.Pick up the order, go to the inspection, check the edge of the ship, and quickly get off, and effectively improve the survival rate of live fish.

From June 13, 2022, the General Administration of Customs in Mainland China suspended the import of grouper in Taiwan because of many times from the grouper entered from Taiwan, and the excessive standards of the extension of the grouper in Taiwan, and the discovery of the peacocks.Green and crystal purple disabled drugs.

Following the Turbus Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) on December 21, 2023, after the Cross -Strait Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) was conceded, Mainland China announced on the 22nd that Taiwan's grouper fish can be entered in the mainland on the 22nd.It is good to discuss as long as you adhere to the "1992 Consensus" and oppose "Taiwan independence".