Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou was mentioned in an interview with German media.After "cross -strait relations must be believed in Xi Jinping", it is reported that he was removed from the invitation list of the Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily Free Times and TVBS News Network reported that Hou Youyi will host the momentum before the election on Friday (January 12).Kuomintang spokesman Yang Zhiyi introduced that, in addition to Hou Youyi, Vice Presidential Candidate Zhao Shaokang and the Chairman of the Kuomintang Zhu Lilun who attended this event, Wang Jinping, former president of the Legislative Yuan, South Korean Yu, candidate for not partition legislators, Guan Zhongmin, former president of the National Taiwan University, Taipei City, Taipei CityChief Jiang Wanan, Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan, and candidates for Shuangbei regional legislators will all participate.

It is reported that Ma Ying -jeou, who was originally invited, was finally changed to "no attendance." Ma Ying -jeou's office said "we are not invited, so we will not attend."The outside world speculates that this is related to the remarks in Ma Ying -jeou's earlier interview with Voice of Germany.

However, the chairman of the Kuomintang Cultural Communication Association, Lin Pushan, explained that the DPP's improper attack on Ma Ying -jeou's interview with foreign media. In order to prevent the DPP from using the opportunity to slander Ma Ying -jeou, he did not invite Ma Ying -jeou to attend the selectionThe previous night activity.

When Ma Ying -jeou accepted an exclusive interview with the Voice of Germany on January 6, he emphasized that eased cross -strait tensions must use peaceful dialogue instead of force to prepare for war; when asked if he trusted Mainland China President Xi Jin, Ma Ying -jeou said that he had cross -strait relations.In other words, "must believe" the other party and cause controversy.

In response to Ma Ying -jeou's remarks, Hou Youyi responded twice on Wednesday to Thursday (January 10th to 11th), saying that he had many claims different from Ma Ying -jeou.At the international media press conference held on Thursday, Hou Youyi said that the current situation on the two sides of the strait is not the same as Ma Ying -jeou at that time. He has no intention to "have unrealistic ideas" in mainland China, and it shows "I will not touch the unified issue during my tenure. "

TVBS News Network believes that Hou Youyi is cutting with Ma Ying -jeou.