独立参选台湾的鸿海创办人郭台铭与Deputy -handed Lai Peixia, at 2 pm on Wednesday (November 1) to the Taipei City Election Commission to submit a letter of part of the Presidential and Vice Presidential Election, and did not announce the number of delivery.Guo Taiming emphasized that he would continue to move forward with Lai Peixia.

The Liberty Times reported that Guo Taiming did not disclose the total number of scholarships submitted, but his camp said that after the re -collection of the entire Taiwan on Thursday (November 2)Essence

Reported that Guo Taiming issued a conversation after submitting a joint letter, but did not accept media interviews.

According to the press release issued by the Guo Taiming campaign office, Guo Taiming said that the people of the Taiwanese people pursue democracy and freedom, "Therefore, today is a very important day."He and Lai Peixia will remember it.

Guo Taiming also emphasized that the people of Taiwan need to change and change the hope of the people, and they will continue to move forward.

In addition, Guo Taiming went to the Shipai Lianlian Station of Taipei City on Wednesday morning to comfort the volunteer.When he responded to the media asks whether he had confidence in the connection, he said that before one thing was done, he would not make any predictions, hoping to be printed step by step.

Guo Taiming also said that there is an old saying in Chinese, "The newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. We are a calf. We are not afraid of eating it when we see that the tiger is not afraid of eating it, so we work hard."

According to the regulations of the Taiwan Central Election Commission, to obtain the registration qualification of the president and vice presidential candidate, the number of co -authorities should reach the total number of presidents and vice presidential elections of 1.5%, that is, Guo Taiming and Lai Peixia must be 11 in 11The 28,666 people's joint documents were proposed before the 2nd, and the Election Association will announce the results of the joint co -issues before November 14.

Guo Taiming said in an interview on October 6 that his co -deployment with Lai Peixia has reached the standard on October 4.