Republican presidential candidate Trump shouted the slogan "Let the United States great again" for eight years, and the Democratic Party candidate Harris advocated "creating a new way for the United States."The values ​​and policies stated by the two candidates are very different. One of the glory of the past in the past should be returned to the past with all aspects; a new reality in the United States must create a new future in the United States in new thinking and new ways to create a new future in the United States.EssenceThis is a election campaign in the old and new American.

A tall and well -known old white man, a mixed -race female campaign with a colorful human race, is a portrait of the traditional American -dominated society and modern multi -ethnic society, and the value concept and thinking they depend on their political opinions constructedThe pattern is exactly the difference between the old and the old America.When Harris shouted "We Are Not Going Back", the audience cheered, and thousands of party representatives got up.Harris has repeatedly called for no longer to go back, and is clearly separated from Trump's nostalgic thinking from "making the United States again".

Trump misses his former beautiful society and the US hegemony, and has a deep concern for the decline of the traditional values, strong economy and national situation in the United States.He cherishes the prosperity of the past and loves the United States. He hopes that the United States will be great again. He is completely unable to accept the political correctness and left leaning policy that the Democratic Party is surpassed.Relaxing the legalization of drugs and marijuana, palliative crimes, supporting police budgets, unlimited expansion of African and non -heterosexual rights, and university male and girls shared bathroom dormitories.These are incompatible with the traditional concepts of Americans, which has caused fiscal deficit and the rules of the rule of law. The United States is already in South Africa and Mexico.

On the other hand, he hates the American allies to take a cars, depending on the protection of the United States and refuses to pay, and take advantage of the United States, saying that countries must pay protection fees.He hated the United States to sign an economic agreement and a free trade agreement with the allies, and promised international responsibilities. He countermeasures that international organizations have not implemented the interests of the United States and returned to the traditional U.S. traditional isolationism.These are the concepts and specific actions of the old and American embrace.

Trump grows up in a wealthy white family, attaches importance to the interests of enterprises and the rich, and believes that the person's responsible values ​​themselves, so he advocates that corporate taxes have dropped from 21%to 15%; Harris originally colored human raceFamily, her mother's Indian immigrant background is deeply shaped, so she has a high -level and interests of the upper and lower classes in political opinions, and advocates that the government actively involved economic affairs, provides social welfare, and raises corporate taxes from 21%to 28%.

In view of the expansion of the gap between the rich and the poor in society, she advocates an opportunity economy, pursue a society that is justice, empathy, dignity, and opportunities, so that everyone can realize herself and still have the opportunity to succeed in failure.The expansion of the middle class in the United States and the expansion of the poor class has become a future that is reality and difficult to reverse.Looking at the future issues of American society and people's livelihood, she advocates that Guangjian residential houses, subsidize the house purchase period, and increase the amount of tax exemption in the middle and lower class.Harris confronts the role of his middle class and the background of the labor family with Trump's rich characters in an attempt to arouse the unity of the majority of the middle class and workers in the United States and oppose Trump, which represents the super wealthy old society.

Harris' fiscal and taxation policy is different from Trump, especially the claims about tariff issues.In order to restore the competitiveness of American local companies, let companies return, revive the manufacturing industry, and strongly advocate 10%tariffs on all imported goods, and China, which "stolen" the opportunity to work in the United States, must also import goods60%or even 100%tariffs are levied.As for electric vehicles that are preparing for cheap dumping in the US market in Mexico, Trump even threatened to impose 200%tariffs to protect the American automotive industry and workers' employment opportunities.Harris severely criticized this approach will cause severe inflation and will increase the expenses of about $ 3,900 (about S $ 5081) per year each year.Regarding Trump's advocates encouraging the mining of oil and traditional energy in order to reduce prices, Harris believes that it is a reversing of the beginning of the era, and the development of the green economy and clean energy should be supported.Trump sneered at the easing of climate change, and Harris believed that he should fulfill the responsibility of the earth's part.

The most reflecting one of them is a matter of adhering to the tradition and a new bureau.Harris advocates the freedom of respecting women's abortion right, and strongly criticize the three judges appointed by Trump to determine that abortion is not explained by the protection of the constitution. She advocates that opposition to abortion is not respect for women and deprives women of freedom.Free tradition.After she vowed to be elected, she would re -support the freedom of fertility, that is, the right to abortion.On the issue of abortion rights, Trump can be said to adhere to the concept of traditional values, especially the Christian gospel, and seriously deviate from the current status of society and women.

In international affairs, Harris respects international reality, looks at the future, advocates cooperation with the allies to face common security and development issues.Regarding the Russian and Ukraine War, she vowed to support Ukraine in the end, unlike Trump's mentality of the past isolated, and in Ukraine to acknowledge the status quo to end the war; for the conflict between Israel and Hamas, Harris does not deviate from the United States to support Israel with the right to survive the right to survive.With the existing policies of self -defense, but at the same time, emphasize respect for the Palestinian's self -determination rights, and create conditions for ending war and realizing peaceful creation; unlike Trump's raids, it supports Israel without reservation.The museum moved to Jerusalem to consolidate the inherent friendship between the United States.

Harris deliberately brought Trump into a weird person who wanted to return to the past, and packed himself as a leader who pursued justice, fairness, freedom, new value and new future leaders to build a self -realized opportunity in the United StatesIn order to highlight that it is a younger generation and represents the future of the United States.Trump described her as a demons for thoughtfulness, extremely position, pursuing socialism, and creating chaos.

The difference and opposition between the two have pushed the presidential election of the United States to the pattern of the old America and the new United States. Therefore, most Americans were deeply involved in the election campaign. They were emotional and serious.In the end, who defeats and defeats, depends on the many old -fashioned people who remember the past, or encouraged the future to encourage the people in response to reality.

The author is the former chairman and senior media person of Taiwan Central News Agency