Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Tian Wenxiong finally announced that no longer participating in the President's election of the Liberal Democratic Party in September also means that he is about to resign the position of Prime Minister.This news does not surprise the outside world. In his cabinet's public opinion support rates fell to 22.5%, nearly 20%of the "steps downwater", and there was a poll and even showed that the support rate of the Liberal Democratic Party had fallen below 20%.He announced that he resigned was only a matter of time.

In addition to focusing on the candidates of the Prime Minister who may take over as Kishida, Kishida's success in the past three years is also another important topic of public opinion.EssenceSo far, general public opinion believes that Kishida is lacking in internal affairs, but it has made great achievements in diplomacy.At first glance, this view seems to make sense, but if you analyze it carefully, it is about to be discussed.

Kishida said at a press conference not long ago that he was willing to take the responsibility for the incident of previous Liberal Democratic Party's political fund -raising banquet, which led to a reduction in political trust. The meaning was to link the reason for his resignation to the Liberal Democratic Party's black gold scandal.Indeed, the scandal exposed at the end of last year involved the income from the Liberal Democratic Party's multiple valves that did not disclose the income obtained from fundraising activities. It can be said that the last straw that overwhelmed the camel has caused a huge impact on the Liberal Democratic Party and even Kishida himself.At the end of April, the House of Representatives was made up, and the three seats of the Liberal Democratic Party were won by the opposition party. It must be said that it was a clear warning to Kanada and the Liberal Democratic Party.

However, to blame the scandal on Kishida, it is probably a fault.The Black Gold scandal of the Liberal Democratic Party happened from time to time as early as the 1970s. Although Kishida, as the President of the Liberal Democratic Party, it does not mean the largest valve within the party and it is impossible to control it.Illegal homework.As the scandal continued to ferment, Kishida successfully forced the main valve in the party, including its own "Kishida School" to dissolve one after another.Members of the cabinet resigned and passed the amendments to the Political Dharma Dharma in the Senate in June to prevent such homework.

Of course, the problem of black gold is nothing more than one of the big scandals during Kishida.He has faced several scandals since he came to power in October 2021.The first 33 -year -old Sakura Kishida Taro served as the secretary of the Prime Minister. The Japanese media revealed that he had abused his authority, held a party on the Prime Minister's residence, played with relatives and friends on the podium of the Prime Minister's press conference, and used the private car shopping during the visit of the prime minister;Secondly, the assassination of Abe's election was assassinated and died, and the incident was derived from the scandal of political and religion between the Liberal Democratic Party and the old unity.The black gold problem Yu Bo was not over. Last month, the Japanese Self -Defense Force improperly handled the scandal of secret information, illegal reception allowances, and bullies of power. As a result, more than 200 people were punished. Kishida also publicly apologized.

The accumulation of this series of scandals undoubtedly hit the support rate of Kishida, but strictly analyzed the work from the perspective of his governance. Except for his son, he involved that he was not disciplined by his family, and everything else could be classified as him.The time is not good, and the external incident that he can control.Regardless of whether he or someone else is the Prime Minister, there will be no difference in the treatment of these scandals.

In this way, what really caused Kidada to seriously lose points in the internal affairs, it is not the governance economy.At the end of last year, the Japanese Chinese Character Proficiency Inspection Association announced that the word "tax" was elected as 2023 Chinese characters.This is related to the restlessness of the Japanese people around the year of taxation and tax reduction.The media has reported many times that the Japanese government plans to increase taxes to fill the gap of increased defense expenditure, as well as parts that plans to reduce their personal income without paying taxes.Because of this, Kishida began to be nicknamed the Prime Minister of "Tax Glasses".

The nickname of

and the economic commitment he made when he took office was not fulfilled, and the disappointment of the Japanese people's disappointment of the economy was the major reason for the continuous downturn of Kishida and the cabinet.

After Abe was assassinated in 2022, it was reasonable that under the situation where the Abe's forces were weakened because of the leadership of the dragons, Kishida should be more handy in implementing the "new capitalist" concept of re -distribution of wealth and realized the people of the Japanese people.Increase the vision of wages and shrink the gap between the rich and the poor.But now, although the 225 share index of Nikkei benefits from foreign -funded suction and purchase and a series of reform measures for Tokyo Securities Trading, it finally breaks through the historical high set in 1989, but the Japanese people have not benefited from it.Without keeping up the pace of prices caused by the weak yen, the suffering of rising living expenses, thereby causing strong dissatisfaction with the government of the other side of the field, and the support of the downturn is not reversed.

Foreign relations are controversial

As for diplomacy, in the eyes of Western media, Kishida has surrendered a beautiful transcript, which contributes to further improving Japan's international status.There are indeed many entries in the transcripts, including active contact with the European Union and NATO; signing a military mutual benefit access agreement with Australia, the United Kingdom, and the Philippines; and a repair with South Korea.Since taking office, there are 32 countries he have visited, including visiting Ukraine last year, focusing on the movement of the Russian and Ukraine War and China, and emphasizing the defense of the rule of law based on the rules of the rule of law, and strengthening the relationship with the global southern countries.EssenceHe held the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) summit at his hometown of Hiroshima last year, and was the pinnacle of diplomatic relations during his term.

However, none of these diplomatic achievements are more controversial than strengthening Japan -US alliances, but they are unsatisfactory in improving relations with China.Unlike regional countries, unlike the selection of border stations between China and the United States, Japan fell to the United States when the tension of relations in the United States and China.Shortly after taking office, the "Security Three Files" such as the new version of the national security strategy, which stated that Japan has the ability to counterattack and breaks the convention of defense budgets that does not exceed 1%of the GDP, which increases it to 2%.This is undoubtedly consolidating Japan as the core ally status of the United States to fight against China, which is very satisfied with the United States. It is no wonder that when he visited the United States in April this year, he received the highest specifications by President Biden.

Although Kishida once stated that he would build a "constructive and stable relationship" with China, he had not visited China during his tenure.Due to Japan's fall to the United States, bilateral relations continue to be full of uncertainty and vague state.The Japanese people's epidemic arranging is far away. Japanese scholars who go to China have been detained in succession. After China discharged the nuclear in Japan to deal with water, it is forbidden to ban the issues such as the import of Japanese aquatic products, which has troubled the development of bilateral relations.Considering the end of his prime minister's term, and most of Japan's public opinion has no good opinion of China, and unable to improve the relationship for China is a major regret for Kishida diplomatic transcripts, and it is expected that he will continue to trouble his successor.

The author is a local current affairs commentator