A few years ago, Japan thought about how to develop new business opportunities.Some people think of Japan's service industry from Hao. Since the service industry is well -known, why not "export" the service industry?

This is an idea that can only be said but cannot be done.Tangible products can be exported, but how do you export intangible services?How to create foreign exchange?It has not been discussed, and it has not been launched, but in a time, Japan itself has faced the difficulties of the service industry.

The service industry lacks hands. Just as the high -tech industry lacks semiconductor chips, the entire industry will be paralyzed.From near to far, I talk about the personal experience in Japan in recent years.

First of all, it should be ordered to order online on time on time. Due to insufficient manpower, there are more and more things that have been postponed without warning.For service calls, most of them can only speak to automatic voice because of lack of manpower.Please come to the decoration workers and cleaners served by the government. Because of the insufficient manpower, they are all at the scene.The nearby coffee shop posted a notice, which clearly wrote "insufficient man, open on Saturday until 3 pm".Take a few steps, go to the bus stop, the public bus route posted a notice: Because the bus driver has insufficient hands, the entire route is canceled.Due to the insufficient young people, most of them encountered old drivers with white hair, and passengers could only pray for peace all the way.The supermarkets are insufficient, and there are always long queues before the cash register.When playing at the beach, the lifeguard is insufficient, and the swimmers can only ask for more blessings; only 20 % of the seawater baths are resident.The Japanese Self -Defense Force can only strengthen the use of drones or artificial intelligence (AI) technology reinforcement due to insufficient manpower.

The above is purely my "body sensation", and then see how statistical data is presented.Taking Japan's Dushi as an example, according to statistics in 2022, the Dest driver decreased from 300,847 to 28,2168, and the result was that the driver was generally old.More than half of Fukuoka's Dushi drivers are more than 65 years old, and 70 years old or even as high as 22%.Passengers in Japan have a big chance to take a high -driving dode.

According to a recent survey, 40 % of the Japanese catering industry said that the store was in a state of "chronic persons insufficient".The distribution industry had 14.2%of the labor gap in 2024, which explained why the distribution delay occurred frequently.If it is not improved, by 2030, the gap will expand to 34.1%.

The more terrible is that the aging medical industry is insufficient.Among the 38 member states of the Economic Cooperation and Development Organization (OECD), Japan is equipped with only 2.49 doctors per 1,000 people, ranking 27th, and three people from the first Austrian (5.36).Due to the large demand, Japanese nurses have become the object of competition. On average, each nurse has 2.06 lacks.

In short, the Japanese are not enough to spread in all walks of life. If you enter the "00 industry" with a search engine, you will almost automatically run the word "inadequate manual".According to statistics from the "Empire BANK DATA" of Japan's largest enterprise survey company, the top ten industry in Japan is: IT information industry (77%), construction (69%), hotel (69%), maintenance / police / inspection / inspection(68%), rental (67%), medical / well -being / health care (66%), transportation / warehouse (65%), finance (65%), car / automobile part retail sales (62%), and food stores (58%).

There are different reasons for the lack of hands in various industries, but the number of young childization is the common cause.In recent years, the Japanese government has continuously launched various new policies, hoping to reverse the trend of declining childization, but the problem facing the person in front of it cannot be resolved immediately by having more children, so the government also puts expectations on the introduction of foreign labor.

Japan has been not welcome "simple workers" for a long time.In Japan's foreign physical workers, the name is mostly "skill internships". Japan introduced "interns" from foreign countries. In facts such as factories and other local internship skills, they can return to the mother country for dedication.This is a "international contribution" on the surface.But in the long run, it is inevitable to attract the name of "cheap labor exploitation".Since this year, "skill internship" is renamed "labor -breeding", that is, the ultimate goal is no longer inviting foreign labor forces to leave Japan early to contribute to the motherland.Essence

In addition to the "simple worker", for foreign white -collar workers, it is also a convenient door to the convenience. The permanent residence right with a high threshold for application has begun to loosen. In the past, it has to be relieved for 10 years to give permanent residency.The so -called "highly talented" of expertise in learning is in line with the elements and can be obtained in three years.Ask for being thirsty, this is the case.

Can the seemingly open national gate solve the problem of lack of Japanese hands?The opponent in front of Yoko is another Asian country that lacks labor: South Korea.According to the latest information, there are 920,000 foreign workers in South Korea, accounting for 1.77%of the population, which is higher than 1.65%of Japan.Although Japan has made a lot of efforts to welcome foreign labor, the low salary of decades has become a stumbling block of these efforts.

The stone of other mountains can be wrong.The problem of insufficient manpower will be like a tsunami in the next ten years, impacting East Asian industrial countries.This is a question that cannot be waited for leisure to test the wisdom of governors from all countries.

The author is a consultant to Taiwan's Taiwan Information Management System