In the future, houses will also have pensions.

A few days ago, Dong Jianguo, deputy minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development, said at the "Promoting High -quality Development" series of theme press conferences held by the State Administration.The long -term mechanism of housing safety management of the whole life cycle, Shanghai and other 22 cities are currently conducting pilots.Among them, the personal account of house pension has been established by paying the special maintenance fund of the residential house, and the focus of the pilot is that the government has established a public account.

At present, my country's real estate market has gradually entered the era of stock.For example, as of the end of 2022, the proportion of houses that have been built for more than 30 years in Chinese towns have been close to 20%.This means that the number of old houses that need to be maintained and transformed is no longer underestimated and will still expand rapidly.

In this reality, the establishment of a sustainable house "pension mechanism" has become more and more necessary.Relevant departments have begun to establish public accounts for house pensions in 22 cities across the country, which can be regarded as a positive response to this.

But from the perspective of public opinion feedback, how the house pension public account is established, and how to connect with the residential maintenance fund paid by the previous home buyers, there are many questions in the society, and even some concerns have appeared.Where the funds of public accounts come from, it is a focus problem.

At present, the supply and demand relationship of my country's real estate market has changed significantly, and the market is still in the process of adjustment.Under this fundamental area, the source of funds for house pension public accounts, that is, how the cost of maintenance and maintenance of old houses in the future is indeed a realistic issue that needs to be directly faced.

For the owner, in addition to the special maintenance fund of the residential house, if you still need to pay more costs, this will not only mean a new burden, but also increase the cost of holding houses, which may trigger the real estate marketNew changes in transactions.For example, will it further stimulate some owners to sell multiple sets of real estate, and the buyers' wait -and -see mentality increases, and then increases its destocking pressure, which is worthy of face to face.

From the government's side, the increase in local financial pressure to increase large -scale investment for public accounts for house pensions should not be ignored. This should not be ignored.Some experts have analyzed that "the land transfer fee for the project is calculated according to a certain proportion, the value -added income of the maintenance fund, fiscal subsidy, the establishment of supporting financial products, etc., or an important exploration direction."However, the current land transfer income has declined significantly. To open up new uses here, how big the space to dig the potential is also questioned.

Therefore, in terms of practical conditions in all aspects, establish a public account of house pension with abundant funds and sustainable development, to find the balance point of all parties, or "adhere to the use of development and reform methods to solve the advancement of progress.question".

This is mainly reflected in two aspects.First, the fundraising of funds requires adaptation to local conditions.Including the source of funds and the progress of gathering, all space should be treated with flexible processing according to the actual situation of various places.After all, there are differences in the degree and scale of "aging" and scale in different places, and the financial revenue and expenditure conditions are not the same. Innovative methods and methods should be encouraged.This is exactly the value and task of piloting in various places.

Second, we must adhere to the coordinated advancement with other aspects.In terms of deepening the reform of the fiscal and taxation system, there are many measures to launch based on expanding local tax sources, appropriate expansion of local tax rights, and improving the degree of matching of financial colleagues in municipal and county.If the reform in this regard can be promoted and implemented in a timely manner, local governments can obtain better external conditions to raise house pensions to avoid leaving pressure to the owners.

In addition to the problem of funding sources, society is not doubt about how the house pension mechanism operates.As we all know, in the use of special maintenance funds in residential houses, there are generally phenomena of application trouble and difficulty in using, which leads to a large amount of funds in a "sleep" state and failed to play a practical role.Then, the avoidance of house pensions can make owners a real sense of gain, which can enhance social identity.

Overall, many of the questions around house pensions currently need to find a clear and reasonable answer in the pilot.Prior to this, society might as well be patient.

Of course, this policy is related to people's livelihood, involving a wide range of people. In the face of various interpretations, guessing, and even some rumors that appear, it is necessary to actively respond to social concerns.This is conducive to clarifying the expectations of all parties and the need for the steady development of the real estate market, and can also smoothly promote the creation of a good social atmosphere for the pilot work.

Concer/Editor Wu Zhen/Xu Qiuying School/Jia Ning