The premise of exerting its advantages is to emancipate the mind and find the right way.The basic socialist economic system is summarized as "the common development of public ownership and the common development of multiple ownership economies, and the socialist market economy that coexists according to the distribution of labor"; from the above analysis, this is not enough.

The above pointed out that the internal roll is the characteristics of capitalism.The gold -plated era in the United States, the capitalism in the British Dickens and Engels all showed its cruelty.Compared to other European capitalist models, today's British and American capitalism still does not recognize the six relatives, but it has improved more than then, and it is more humane in many aspects of the current capitalism.With these progress, the class struggle has played a great role, but it is not through the violent revolution, because the working class has the weapon of votes and the freedom of organizing unions.More importantly, the "Progressive Movements" at the beginning of the last century, through legislation to improve human rights, working conditions and environmental requirements.The progress of this method will be gradually realized in China.

But these are still cure and not the root causes, because the nature of capitalism has been suppressed, but it has not changed, and it may come back at any time.In China, there are recent and long -term solutions in the governance.Recent plans include the above -mentioned CCP's establishment of fair competition, unified markets in the country, and reducing local government intervention, and unblocking corporate bankruptcy exit mechanism.The long -term involves the transition from post -DPRK.Recently, we only talk about innovation and distribution.


An important reason for the

Inner volume is the lack of innovation, causing each road to gather thousands of troops to cross the wooden bridge instead of a different approach to form a situation of "mass entrepreneurship, innovation" that former Chinese prime minister Li Keqiang wants to create.Under the lack of innovation and product homogeneity, the industry can only fight price wars.What is enlightened is that the word "inner volume" in English -Involution, in Western Sinology, was originally used to refer to other agricultural society in China and Asia.Makes agriculture and handicrafts on relying on labor, rather than relying on technological progress to increase production.The unit's land productivity is very high, but the labor productivity is very low and declining, forming a "high-level equilibrium trap"; Australian historian Mark Elvin uses this theory to explain Chinese historyLong -term stagnation phenomenon.In other words, traditional Chinese culture lacks innovative genes.

The cause is the vitality of the imperial power, the court, and the imperial ideology to suppress the social creativity. Everything follows the rules and keeps the old in order to maintain social stability and the rivers and mountains.The power of the power sacrifice national health with his own private.The well -known historian Wang Yanwu believes that the ruling party has a large extent to a large role in history.However, after adding the "progressive" element, the traditional centralized rule model has a problem of matching the dynamic modern society.

The same "national system" is also used in science and technology research and major engineering project construction, and achieved good results, but this is not "mass entrepreneurship, innovation", and limited energy.In contrast, Chairman Mao Zedong believes that "the people have unlimited creativity" and advocate to give full play to the pioneering spirit of the masses, but the system construction has not kept up, which has caused the chaos in the world.Gangster, posted big posters, and dancing loyalty dance.How to give full play to the vitality and creativity of society is still an unfinished work.


Capitalism can create but not allocate wealth, and in the process of creating wealth, they often have to cost people's sufferings at the expense.Under the role of capital and mechanism, China is likely to face the problem of struggling for developed capitalist countries: there is a traditional middle -class work, but there is no income and decent life of the middle class;Flow, the structure of the olive society has declined to pear -type.When AI fully replaces artificial manual (including physical strength, brain power, and creation), the wealth created by no artificially concentrated in the hands of a small number of capitalists, and the work that eliminated the work made the majority of the working class worry.

Under such circumstances, Marxism's principle of distribution according to labor is not spiritual, and the veteran of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: "Increasing the proportion of labor in distribution" is largely empty talk, and promised to promiseIncrease the income of a variety of elements -especially the knowledge capital -may lead to a greater degree of distribution of "unfair" -the socialist philosophy, but it is very reasonable and legal according to the principle of capitalism.In short, wealth is irreversible with the general trend of capital without labor. If you want to "interest", you must start with capital, and you must not abandon the ancient training of "not workers who do not eat".

But the traditional method still has a certain area of ​​martial arts, such as the secondary distribution of progressive tax rates, three distribution of the charity industry, and the principle of value -added land forgotten: Henry George, a US political economist, Henry George (Henry George) In the late 19th century, the idea of ​​land value tax was widely supported by economists.The appreciation of land value is due to the work that society does around it: a public transportation of the company operating around a piece of land, and the convenient public transportation of land traffic, nearby restaurants, coffee shops and beautiful natural landscapes.Land owners' credit, so it is fair to share land appreciation and social sharing of appreciation.The "Chongqing Model" planned to enable this principle, but soon the smoke disappeared for some reason.

In addition, there are also large number of employee holdings or workers cooperative enterprises in capitalist countries, and government legislative protection of employees' rights and interests.What is closer to the reality of the new era is the "America Equity Fund" proposed by the former president of the artificial intelligence company OPENAI, Samuel Harris Altman, that is, each company pays 2.5% in the form of a share in the form of a shareholding.Taxes are included in this fund; citizens who are 18 years old have a account in this fund.The taxes paid by the company's shares can coordinate the incentive mechanism between the company, investors and citizens, and the three parties can profit from the growth of the enterprise, enable the income to follow the capital, and avoid the dilemma of labor depreciation.Once artificial intelligence becomes the main production force, the company's growth will be very rapid, as well as everyone's income.

The first transition to capitalism in the future

But long -term and fundamental methods are also what China may lead the world trend. It is a transitional capitalist transition.Don't think that the Communist Party's leadership and public ownership system can be claimed to be socialism.China's current socialist ingredients do not even have a lot of old Western capitalist countries, but it is a conditional condition that first transitions to capitalist transitions.

The biggest problem brought by the

AI Revolution is the above wealth distribution, and the other is idle labor -a large number of people have a big problem.Later capitalist society must re -organize a new form, and the CCP has a long -term organizational ability and has a comparative advantage.However, the capitalist society will greatly reduce the scope of the market and government activities, so that the society will sing the protagonist -so it is called new socialism.Organize large -scale and coordinated social transformation capabilities, and no other country can compare with the CCP.However, transformation is not through the violent revolution, but like Silicon Valley high -tech entrepreneurs, use realism to continuously increase socialist composition in capitalism, eliminate the disadvantages of capitalism, and even comprehensively transform.

In the organization and implementation of the basic income of the whole people (UBI), China has the most comprehensive industrial structure in the world and has a greater advantage.Mature and fully automated companies, especially monopoly companies, can take over the state -owned state -owned state -owned state -owned state -owned state -owned enterprises, and change the purpose of production from profit -seeking to serving the people and national interests, and become the source of UBI.With UBI's basic market, people can release innovation and creative vitality without worries, and achieve "mass entrepreneurship and innovation."

After vigorously simplifying the scope of the role of the market and the government, the economy and society will "return to the truth."Most people in the futureThere will be no traditional employment in the traditional sense, but they need to do things and make a meaningful life and life; the venture and online mutual aid cooperation communities are one of the way out; there are a large number of idle land and real estate in rural China, which can be used to establish a lot ofFor more self -sufficiency, self -reliance, and self -care communities and groups, people in the city can return to nature, and implement meaningful production and social activities such as community currency, labor swap, and mutual assistance of neighborhoods.EssenceThe government only provides soft and hard infrastructure services.

Emancipating the mind

The premise of exerting its advantages is to emancipate the mind and find the right way.The basic socialist economic system is summarized as "the common development of public ownership and the common development of multiple ownership economies, and the socialist market economy that coexists according to the distribution of labor"; from the above analysis, this is not enough.There should be a sense of crisis in the arrival of the AI ​​era and plan early.As a socialist country, China should be able to cope with this huge change, but do not miss the opportunities for thousands of years because of the thinking of capitalism or old socialism.(If readers are interested in more systematic discussion, please refer to the three books on the author Amazon's website:

(the author is a senior researcher at the East Asia Research Institute of the National University of Singapore)