Israel and the enemy Lebanon Albon attacked each other on August 25, each with each casualties.After the Intelligence that Israel was about to launch an attack on the main party, hundreds of fighter jets were dispatched, bombarding the 40 rocket launch positions of the 40 rockets in Southern Lebanon, destroyed thousands of rocket launchers, and pre -weakened the power of the Allah's attack on Israel.However, the Allah still launched more than 300 rockets to attack Israel and claimed to complete the "first phase" task.A Pentagon spokesman said the United States is ready to support Israel's defense.In addition to the Allah, another dead enemy in Israel has previously announced that it is necessary to retaliate against Hamas leader Hania to be killed in Tehran, although Israel did not acknowledge the assassination.

Since Israel's scheduling of the senior commander of the Allah on July 30, the Allah has vowed for revenge.Previously, the two sides conflicted each other, but they had never been upgraded to a comprehensive war.Although this round of conflict is large, it seems to follow the interactive model to this day.The leader of the Allah, Nasrola, said after the attack that the action was "planned" and deliberately avoided civilians or public infrastructure, including Tel Aviv's Ben Gurian Airport; the main goal was a one of the 110 kilometers in IsraelMilitary intelligence base, only 1.5 kilometers from Tel Aviv.Israeli Foreign Minister Katz stated that he would respond to the development of the situation, but he would not seek a comprehensive war.

Iran also vowed to retaliate against Hamas leader Hania on July 30 after attending the new presidential inauguration ceremony in the capital Tehran on July 30.Because Israel has not acknowledged responsibility so far, Iran lacks enough jurisprudence to directly attack Israel.It is generally believed that Israel may intend to use Iran to directly attack local opportunities to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities.Coupled with the nuclear military ability that deterred Israel, Iran has not yet started.Perhaps it was to find the steps. Tehran claimed that he did not give up revenge, but just adopted a psychological war on Israel to make the other party suspect that it would encounter a blow.As a precautionary measure, Israel has ordered the embassies and consulates abroad to increase their vigilance.

The potential threat of the comprehensive war in the Middle East forced the United States to make a stronger intervention.After the air strike, Israeli Defense Minister Garant and the US Defense Secretary Austin called the Austin of the U.S. military, and the two of them also discussed how to avoid further upgrading the situation.Austin then ordered the two aircraft carrier strike groups of Roosevelt and Lincoln to stay in the Middle East waters.Saivet, a spokesman for the National Security Council, issued a statement saying that it will continue to support Israel's self -defense.After the Shinbac and Hana's Hania's Hania was killed, the US State Department immediately announced that it approved the $ 20 billion military sales to Israel, including 50 F15 fighters and air -to -air missiles.The United States' clear statement and strengthening military deployment in the Middle East may be a key factor that prompted Iran and the Lord to maintain restraint.

The Middle East Peace does not exist in isolation. An important linkage factor is the Russian and Ukraine War.Some analysts said that in order to respond to Russia, Iran and other allies to strengthen the security of threatening Israel in the Middle East to distract the strategic attention and the ability to assist Ukraine in the United States.However, as the Ukrainian army entered Russia, Moscow still did not make greatness two weeks after being invaded in the local area, exposing the dilemma of the Russian army into a major strategic passive situation.The effect of saving Zhao's strategy in the Middle East may decrease significantly.However, the Korean Peninsula, Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea are still potential threats.The Lincoln aircraft carrier strike group deployed from the Asia -Pacific to the Middle East, and it has seriously weakened the US military forces in Asia -Pacific.

In addition to international and regional factors, the domestic factors in Israel also affect the peace process in the Middle East.In the face of judicial investigations and political pressure from the steps down, the Israeli Prime Minister Natanahu has been using military conflicts since the outbreak of Harbin conflict in October last year to extend his political life.This motivation is still strong -the political shock waves of Schurger and Hania a day away, the situation of the Middle East suddenly tense.The military response of Iran and the Lord of the Lord may be in the middle of the Nei Tanahu.At present, the situation seems to be: Iran has no determination to fight against Israel, and then forcing the United States to make a shot, but it will continue to pass several military agents, such as the Allah to confront.As for Israel's ruling official, the Eagle School has always been stitched, and it has repeatedly stated that even if multi -line operations, they must strive for the final "complete victory", and even the red line of Passover Washington is at the expense.Therefore, although all parties are currently restrained after fierce conflict, the peace in the Middle East is far away.

It is difficult to expect in the Middle East in a short period of time, and even the situation may change suddenly.This low -intensity confrontation suddenly heated up rapidly, and the development model near the edge of the full war may become a short -term or even mid -term norm.At the same time, observing the situation in the Middle East must also take the progress of the Russian and Ukraine War, and even the changes in the East Asian region together.What cannot be ignored is the various political uncertainty brought by the US presidential election in November.This is a variable that American opponents tend to use.The superposition of these factors and the loss of any party may cause an unexpected out of control, allowing the gunpowder barrel in the Middle East to explode at any time.