Ukrainian war may be a political achievement of Harris, but she must correct Biden's mistakes and provide Ukraine with extra resources to defeat Russia.By levying Russian sovereign assets and persuading allies to take the same action, she can help Ukraine to win without having to bring additional budget burden to Americans.

By providing military, political and financial support to Ukraine in the early days of the war, the government of the US President Biden made Ukraine from being swallowed by Russia.However, since November 2022, the conflict has fallen into a deadlock in Ukraine.If the Democratic candidate Harris can successfully elected the President of the United States, she should clearly transform the current terrible consumption war into Ukraine's victory, and Ukraine's sudden attack on the Carsk region of Russia may be a favorable development developmentAt the beginning.

Ukraine's own goal is very clear: to recover all the loss of the soil and let all Ukrainian citizens who have been forced to displacement, including thousands of children abducted by Russia, returned to their homes, and at the same time let Russia make full compensation to the damage caused by the damage caused by Russia.EssenceIn contrast, the United States still can't get a clear strategy.The Biden government only claims that it will "have always been firm" to support Ukraine, and Harris's Republican challenger Trump promises to end the war in one day, which means that he fully succumb to the Kremlin.

For Harris, the current deadlock is an opportunity.Two -thirds of Americans support Ukraine. She has also had extensive contact with Ukraine. She met with Ukrainian President Zeiski six times and led the US delegation to the Ukraine Peak Summit in Switzerland in June this year.As a vice president, she has always worshiped the head of the horse; but as the president, she can reverse the situation of the war and turn the Ukrainian issue into one of her major political achievements.

To achieve this goal, a comprehensive strategy with sufficient resource support is required.The Bayeng government's policy (according to speculation is the handwriting of the national security consultant, Shaliwen), while defending Ukraine while avoiding irritating Russian President Putin.Out of irrational fear of nuclear attacks or the third world war, the White House used imagination to designate several unspeakable red lines for Russia, which caused Ukraine to launch attacks using Western weapons.But in view of the outbreak of nuclear war, Putin must be killed, and he is impossible to embark on this road.

Another fundamental defect of Biden policy is lack of clear goals.The goal should be to provide sufficient support for Ukraine to defeat Russia, and Harris appoints a national security adviser who fully achieves this goal.The Ukraines are fighting alone, and they have never asked foreign reinforcements to really need strong weapons, as well as the authority to use these weapons to combat Russian military bases, and sufficient funds from the West.

Ukraine received approximately $ 100 billion (about S $ 134 billion) assistance in 2023 (half of which is military aid, the other half is budget support and humanitarian assistance), and it is expected to receive the same amount in 2024.Although this fund is quite considerable, it is not enough to reverse the situation.Ukraine may need $ 150 billion in funding support each year (of which military assistance doubles to $ 100 billion) in order to fully victory.This will enable Ukraine to win the war, thereby reducing the cost of future (not to mention the pain suffered by the Ukraine people).

The source of this fund is not a secret.The West has frozen Russian reserves of $ 280 billion, two -thirds of which are stored in the EUROCLEAR system in private European banks in Belgium.In addition, the U.S. Congress has wisely through relevant legislation to authorize the Ministry of Finance to seize the frozen Russian assets, and at the same time require the EU to take the same action.However, the European Union rejected this request under the opposition from French countries.

This resistance in Europe is unreasonable.Because Russia is violating international law every day, the Kremlin has no reason to ask for the protection of international law.Like the United States, the European Union also needs to seize Russian funds through legislation and use it to support Ukraine.Although only about 5 billion U.S. dollars were found in the United States, these Russian funds could be immediately detained and handed over to Ukraine to set an example for European countries.Although the United States persuaded members of the Seven Groups in June this year to lend 50 billion U.S. dollars to Ukraine by extracting the future income of frozen Russian funds. It is a good start, but Ukraine needs to obtain funds as soon as possible to defeat Russia.

Since Russia launched a comprehensive invasion in February 2022, the United States, Britain and Canada have been the main source of military assistance and training in Ukraine.They are understandable to provide the most advanced weapons to Ukraine in the first few months of the war -because they are worried that these weapons will be taken away by Russia.But by the summer of 2022, these concerns no longer exist.The United States can have provided Ukraine with the weapons required to repel Russia for more than two years.

But unless the United States takes the lead in acting, it is difficult to make progress.In terms of weapons production and exports, the United States still occupies a global dominant position, and the number of weapons in the hands of Europeans is not enough to change the war.

In the end, the most ridiculous defects in the U.S. Ukraine policy are prohibited from using weapons provided by the United States to fight against Russian military bases that launch attacks in Ukraine.This policy should even be canceled immediately with the solemn self -defense rights of the United Nations Charter, and should be canceled immediately.

Ukrainian war may be a political achievement of Harris, but she must correct Biden's mistakes and provide Ukraine with extra resources to defeat Russia.By levying Russian sovereign assets and persuading allies to take the same action, she can help Ukraine to win without having to bring additional budget burden to Americans.

Author Anders Aslund is a Russian skirt capitalism: from the market economy to the road of thieves.

English Original: Kamala Harris Must Correct us Ukraine Policy

All rights reserved: Project syndicate, 2024.