Today's Singapore and the early founding of the People's Republic of China have been judged to be more complicated and difficult to govern. To achieve new vision, it is also facing more challenges.Chinese people can't just look at it, can't just pay attention to the Prime Minister in his speech, what will he announce to the Chinese?What can I get?Instead, we should think: How can we work together, don't forget our original intentions, have the courage and conspiracy, and realize the new national vision together.

The vision mentioned here is the meaning of English Vision.Some people define the vision as: the scene when the wish is realized.In other words, this is a picture of the future, including wishes and ideals. There are various goals and ideas you want to achieve, and there are courage and conspiracy.

See if there is a vision of a country, we may wish to compare the two major powers in the world today, the United States and China.China is obviously a big country with vision, and its vision is very magnificent. For example, to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and build a community of destiny of the world.The United States is a big country with no vision. It now wants to suppress the rise of China in one intention. This is not a vision, but just wants to maintain the status of the world's domineering.The ideal of democratic human rights has been reduced to clichés and has no substantial connotation.Society has actually been severely torn. Republican and democratic parties are different political ideas (in fact, that is, the interests of different social groups). In the status quo, they are struggling and fighting for the fierce power of the regime.

Why do a country must have a vision?Because if there is no vision, there is no sense of direction. Without the vision, the government or political leaders cannot drive the people to pursue the "promised place" they want to reach.Go forward bravely to fight for a common ideal.A country with no vision must only focus on everything in front of you, with a short look and no collective ideal goal.

This little red dot in Singapore has today's achievements. It can be among the developed countries in the time of the two generations. It is precisely because we have a great vision at the beginning.Interested readers may wish to go back to the Internet in the early years of the founding of the People's Republic of China.From those inspirational speeches, you can clearly see the vision of Singapore, although it is still a time when it is a problem with storms and national survival.

For the first National Congress of the National Day in 1966, even if it sounds now, it is still very inspiring to people and morale.It was the first anniversary of the new horse division.But if you encourage people, it can make the people courage and confidence and cope with difficult challenges.As a middle school student at that time, our generation can still clearly remember the training of the strong and brave spirit, and it is difficult to imagine the mandatory national service, because it is in line with the vision of the country to build a strong and brave society.It is necessary to understand and accept the need for survival.

The information to be conveyed in the first speech is simple, that is, to continue to struggle and build a diverse ethnic society.It was originally a vision that Malaysia wanted to achieve, but was frustrated by the racist politics of Malaysia.It is not a way that Singapore must take long -term stability, not ethnic division, but integration.Moreover, building a diverse racial society is not only for ourselves, but also to set up a good example of a successful diverse ethnic society for neighboring countries. This is a more magnificent vision.The words of the leader are shaking: as long as we have the courage and conspiracy, it will inevitably succeed in five to 10 years.

This speech is relatively short, but the theme is concentrated, there is no policy details, but it is powerful, has a strong role in people's hearts and condensing people's hearts.This is a necessary condition to achieve vision.It can be said to be Singapore Vision 1.0.The people and the government co -operated, courage to create the ideal diverse ethnic society in their minds.This is like the first two -sentence lyrics of the English patriotic songs created in the 1980s. I sang the first two sentences of count on me singapore: we have a vision for tomerrow, just believe; we have a goal for singapore., We Can Achieve, We Can Achieve.

Although there were more unexpected challenges in the future, such as the British army decided to withdraw, Xiaohong Dot really better over the year, economic development, national strength, and people's lives gradually improved.The National Day of the National Day in 1966 became a perennial event.However, in the beginning of the year, I could only hear the lecture on the spot. It was only grass -roots leaders, representatives from all walks of life, and government officials. It was not until 1971 that there were live broadcasts, entering millions of households, and the impact was more far -reaching.Li Guangyao's speech has become longer and longer as the topic increases, but the consistent role is to inspire people's hearts and inspire fighting spirit. It always makes people see hope tomorrow, and a more beautiful vision will be realized in the future.

But in the era when social media had not yet appeared, the penetration rate of television was super strong.Every year, this statement like a national affair is also treated by many Chinese people.Although the content of the speech covers the expansion, the most important role of the speech is the same, that is, to boost the morale of the Kuominta and move towards a more bright future.However, the content is too wide, and there are too many parts of the policies. There are also disadvantages of decentralized attention and indigestion.Especially in the era of social media, people's concentration has become shorter and shorter, and the habit is just browsing short videos and text messages.How to make up should be a question worth studying.

In any case, the speeches of the National Day Congress created by Li Guangyao have continued to this day.The new vision of the second Prime Minister Wu Zongdong must create a new starting point and strive to achieve the living standards of Switzerland.It was Singapore Vision 2.0.The third prime minister Li Xianlong wants to shape a more inclusive society, which is the vision 3.0.The opening work of Prime Minister Huang Xuncai is the vision 4.0. Some people think that the keywords of the whole article are "reset".But "re -start" is just a summary of policy reform or adjustment. It is a means to achieve a new vision. The title of the speech is "A Singapore where we realise our dreams"., A more equal Singapore.

Singapore, which can realize a dream, can be said to be a further extension of tolerance of society, but the difficulty is obviously higher.This includes to break some taboos in the past, such as emphasizing self -reliance and avoiding falling into welfare traps. Now we try to help those who are not willing to help those who are not willing and make people who have lost their feet faster.In the past, the threshold for learning mother tongue was very high. Now we need to cultivate more "essences" so that students with excellent mother tongue subjects have the opportunity to learn advanced Chinese.This is not only more tolerant, but also to do everything.Those and so on, should try to make everyone give full play to their talents and expertise, so that everyone can get in the early days.This will certainly be a more equal, ideal and pursuit of vision.

But today's Singapore and the early founding of the People's Republic of China have been judged to be more complicated (if different levels of differential differentiation), it is also more difficult to manage, and it is more difficult to achieve consensus on various topics.Vision also faces more challenges.In addition, in a more fragmented world, a world where geopolitics has changed sharply, and Singapore's continued survival and development actually face many new difficulties.Therefore, the Chinese can't just look at it, can't just pay attention to the Prime Minister in his speech, what will he announce to the Chinese?What can I get (including individuals and different groups)?Instead, we should think: How can we work together, don’t forget our original intentions, have courage and conspiracy, Co -realize the new national vision.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress