Every winter and summer vacation, reports about the two famous universities of Tsinghua University and Peking University will become hot topics.In my opinion, regardless of the ancient and modern Yanyan or the European style of Tsinghua Garden, it is not attracted a lot of tourists because of the ancient elegance or modernity of the landscape, but because they are the top colleges and universities that are difficult to divide, they are eliteThe place of fancy is academic town.

From the purpose of the creation of modern Western universities, the construction and operation of universities cannot be separated from the funding of taxpayers.Therefore, it is impossible for universities to serve the society.This is a simple common sense for modern countries.The university built a fence to restrict or reject tourists, and violated the original intention of running a school in modern universities.On the Internet, reports or comments on visiting Tsinghua University of Peking University.However, if the resources are limited, it should be limited, and it is difficult to stand on such a reason.Some netizens said that Qingbei is a first -class university in China. So Harvard and Oxford are still world -class universities. But they are facing tourists around the world. It is reasonable to say that it should not be restricted?Intersection

At this point, several questions need to be clarified.The first is to create world -class universities and communicate with famous overseas universities and the deepest cooperation in overseas universities. Why does Tsinghua and Peking University do not connect with international standards on campus opening?The second is the "current limit" is a solution for one and for all?What is the specific results?The third is, in addition to the number of tourists who restrict cherry blossoms at Wuhan University, why are there no current restrictions on other Chinese universities?Fourth, have any prescriptions that solve the problem of being squeezed by tourists in Qingbei?

Objectively speaking, because there are too many tourists, the two universities in the Qing Dynasty adopt a current -limiting method to deal with the swarmed tourists.The principal of Tsinghua and Peking University must be well versed in the way of running a school in modern universities, but the normal scientific research, study and life order of teachers and students must also be guaranteed.Visitors who come to the Qingbei Park to enjoy the scene every year still increase.The complaints of tourists and the school's hardships are indifferent.When most people are struggling with flow limit or let go, sparse or blocking, which method is more effective, I think I should find answers from the root cause of the problem.What we should question is why Chinese universities other than Tsinghua and Peking University (Wushan University Limitation are seasonal) do not need to limit the current?

Different from overseas world -class universities, mostly privately, the two schools of Qingbei have always been the darling of the government, and shoulder the heavy responsibility of ranking among the first echelons of the world's first -class universities.They enjoy excellent treatment from various aspects such as financial allocation and admissions policies.The excessive tilt and enrollment policy of resources allow "tip" (compilation: refers to the school's concentrated recruitment of sharp students). As a result, the second peaks of the second school of the Qingbei school are proud of the heroes.

Tsinghua and Peking University's development history after 1949 is actually the best interpretation of the "Matthew effect".When "thousands of pets love one", "the trouble of happiness" must be followed by shadow.In front of the world is a difficult knot: tourists squeezing the campus, and the current situation of the Qingbei helpless current.As long as the rules of running a school in modern universities and the use of administrative methods to intervene in the development of universities will remain unchanged, the campus of Tsinghua and Peking University's campuses must be squeezed by tourists and can never be solved.Therefore, Tsinghua and Peking University have Chinese characteristics, and the roots behind the problem also have Chinese characteristics.

Recalling the period of the Republic of China, some cultural celebrities have experienced studying experience at Yanjing University or Peking University. Like Lao She listened to Yanjing University, Shen Congwen also heard at Peking University and other universities.At that time, the university gates were open. They were like Yang Yan who was at Oxford University and could enter and leave the campus, library and teaching buildings freely.Acceptance of observance is the tradition of Cai Yuanpei at Peking University.Mr. Cai is not an alternative god, but because he has experience in studying in Europe, he just runs a school at Peking University in accordance with the rules of modern Western universities.

As a non -registered student, Yang Yan's experience in studying at Oxford University is enviable.In our 有, she has a vivid description: "In the Oxford University Library, the full room is full of literary classics.A book on a table, I can take it by myself.If you can read this way from beginning to end.

Like Oxford University, Yanjing University and Peking University have also had such an elegant attitude.When will the Qingbei no longer restrict the current, and tourists no longer need to do strategies in advance?

The author is a teacher at the School of Humanities of the Humanities of Yantai Ludong University