Pakistan ’s Friday Times Weekly website published an article entitled that when the United States spent 900 billion U.S. dollars for the army, who won and lost?Made Faji.Article excerpts as follows:

This year, the United States will spend nearly 900 billion US dollars on its army, exceeding the sum of military expenditures in 10 countries in the subsequent 10 countries.The US population accounts for only 4%of the world's population, but military expenditure accounts for 40%of the world's.Today, the United States has about 1.3 million active soldiers and 800,000 preparatory soldiers.It also has an amazing nuclear weapon that can be put into any corner of the world in a few minutes.

No country in the world is willing to attack the United States.In fact, no country has attacked the United States since the bombing of Pearl Harbor in Japan.On the other hand, American offense, aggression and occupation of Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq have ended in failure.

According to data from the Institute of International and Public Affairs of Brown University, since the "September 11" incident, the United States has spent $ 8 trillion in the so -called "anti -terrorism war".This amount has increased national debt, and the latter currently reaches an amazing $ 35 trillion.

The funds of the pentagram building are much more abundant than the US State Department.In terms of solving the foreign policy crisis, the first reaction in the United States is to send aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines and other warships to a certain region.We are seeing such dramatic plots in the waters near Iran.The "Abraham Lincoln" aircraft carrier (news arrived in the Middle East) went to the news again.

Who wins military expenses?Winners are those who invest or are employed by weapons and ammunition manufacturers, as well as those who are employed by the army and provide food, clothing, housing and transportation services to the army.Former President Eisenhower's warning of "military composite" was ignored.

But compared with the list of losers, the winner's list looks trivial.The loser includes all countries invaded and occupied by the United States.These countries have lost the lives of millions of people and have suffered a rare large -scale destruction in history.In Vietnam alone, it is estimated that about 3 million people have been killed.

In the United States, the first type of loser is those who died in the war, physical or spiritual trauma.In Vietnam, 58,000 American soldiers died, and their bodies or spirit were more wounded.

The second type of loser is millions of homeless Americans, those who sleep hungry at night, those who live by the minimum wage, those who do not have medical protection, those who do not have money to let their children receive education for educationAnd people, as well as the elderly people who reluctantly survive on social security.

Almost all American citizens are facing the problem of aging traffic infrastructure.Finally, there is an increasingly serious problem that the crime rate is constantly rising.

Military expenditure has no restraint meaning a huge opportunity cost.Numerous people's interests are damaged, not only in the United States, but also affecting the world.But such a story has never been news.(Compilation/Qing Songzhu)