The Washington Post website published on August 22 entitled Democrats to help Harris take off.Tig.Article excerpts as follows:

Just a month ago, Republicans held a "coronation" ceremony in Milwaukee.There is only one star on their stage, and the role of others is to set off the extraordinary glory of Donald Trump.

This week, when it was Democrats' turn, they convened a horse, including two former presidents and a current president.They also settled in a number of young stars in the golden time, such as the federal members of New York State Alexander Okasio Cordus and Maryland Governor Wes Mur.

The fresh vitality of the Democratic Party originated from the drastic changes they experienced in the past.They witnessed the difficult efforts of President Biden's abandonment of re -election, and Harris easily took over the relay stick.This situation is almost expected.

Of course, even the most successful presidential candidate nomination conference is only a temporary climax.The facts are still extremely evenly matched.The two sides are so difficult to divide, and the final result may depend on a small number of voters in a few states.

For the current vice president, it is difficult to display itself as "a new direction" (a slogan of the conference).According to Gallop's latest polls, 8 of each of the 10 Americans are dissatisfied with the country's forward direction, and Republicans will do their best to blame Harris in Harris.

Of course, what is helpful is Harris's identity -a black woman with South Asian descent, which itself represents a break with the past.Considering that her opponent was ruled to have 34 serious crimes, she was also beneficial to her as a prosecutor.

Harris also redefined election cornerstone.Biden formulated the core slogan of the campaign around the dark threat of Trump's democratic system; the slogan selected by Harris was "freedom".Considering that so many Republicans have carried out campaign activities with this concept for many years, this has a little political misappropriation.

Indeed, all of this has to be completed in the urgent time.However, considering the only 75 days left from the election, more content must be proposed as soon as possible in the campaign, not just words and resonance, so that voters can vote to themselves.The economic plan proposed by Harris shortly before the Democratic Party lacks specific content.As for whether her foreign policy will be different from Biden or, she has almost no clues.

Harris and her rejuvenating party have outline the rough outline they think they can contribute to the country.Now they must be enriched with details.(Compilation/Zheng Guoyi)