Promotional activities and advertising words often have the conditions of "first come first". The higher connotations that are compatible and stored in the society are "first virtue", not "first -time".When it comes to the realm of tolerance of society, the requirements for "virtue" are naturally higher.In the next stage of development, Singapore needs to have this social construction project and process.

The government announced on Wednesday (August 21) that invest more resources to boost Singapore sports and let athletesThe plan that can be more at ease in chasing dreams. That night, there was a retired squash player.The current site of the basket center and the cooler balloon center.They are more concerned about whether squash will be incorporated into the government to bring a large -scale development of vitality and cold blueprint.

Goutball may no longer be as popular as the past in Singapore, but there are still certain enthusiasts. The government will always hope that the football will still have a place for the long -term plan for boosting Singapore's sports industry.This is also a compatible voice that the government must face the same in governance of the country and any development plan. In today's more tolerant Singaporea society, compatibility and storage are the value and thinking that cannot be ignored in the country.

However, realizing that tolerance society cannot be a short check, the desire of the people and the various interest groups is unlimited, and all kinds of resources in Singapore are limited.It also creates false phenomena for the society. This exaggerated tolerance will create more political and social distrust.The tolerance of another short check is to say one set.Even if it is sincere and sincerely feel that the interests and requirements of others should be tolerated, but when it is related to "I", the government's resource allocation must not be less and slowly give "me".In the vision of the tolerance society, if the stakeholders pay more attention to their priority rights, the word tolerance must not be slower than others.

Promotional activities and advertising words often have the conditions of "get first, first, first, first, first, first, first, first, first, first, first, first, first, and the higher connotation that society is" virtue "is not" first ".This is also the dialogue that Singapore, which summarized last year, joined hands with the movement of the movement, and the social contract you wanted to update.This dialogue is to establish a consensus on the distribution of national resources, understand the considerations behind its priority, and then consolidate the mutual trust between the government and the people, and the people (interest groups).Especially when the challenges such as aging population, the subversion and climate change brought by technology are competing for the country's more financial and other resource investment, lack of trust will not only make the priority of resource allocation difficult, but also cause social differences.Sometimes quarreling can not be "first achieved", inducing the competition of political chips between political parties.

Mencius's famous saying, fish and bear's paw cannot be both, but his complete whole paragraph is: "Fish, I do whatever I want; bear paw, and I do not have both.Those who take the bears are born, and I do whatever I want;In this realm, the requirements for "virtue" are naturally higher than "gain".In the next stage of development, Singapore needs to have this social construction project and process.

Prime Minister Huang Xuncai last Sunday (18th) published his first National Day In the case, he presented how he and the fourth -generation leadership team would be cautious and bold to govern the country, leading the country to "start again and realize new dreams."Starting is to include changing thinking and adopting better and more inclusive methods to achieve the development needs of the country in economy, family, housing, and education.The new dream is a redefinition Singapore dream. Everyone can explore their own path. There is no need to compare each other or be inherent to set up limits. As long as they are willing to work hard, they can exert and show their best themselves.

Several policy modifications announced by Premier Huang at the National Day Mass Conference: relaxation and study of senior mother tongue conditions ,,, expand and update high-talented class policy , give parents for 10 weeks to share maternity leave, significantly adjust high and low income for the first time to buy a group purchase group.The house's additional settlement allowance , further funded the 40 years of age and above to improve their knowledge and skills, as well as the unprecedented to provide short-term financial assistance to low-income people who are unemployed .The way of governing the country also issues information that Singapore and Singapore people must constantly update and make progress, and various reviews and policy renewal are the ways to expand Singaporeans' self -play and realize their personal dreams.Opportunity cost or cost.

For example, help alleviate the physical and mental burden of dual-payEnterprise owners have the opportunity to return to the campus; young people who can become competitors can take into account their academic or future career development without worries.For example, Tang Zhenhui, the Minister of Culture, Community and Youth and the Second Minister of the Ministry of Justice, said when it was announced that the Singapore Sports Council would raise the subsidy of the Excellent Sports Scholarship and pay the provident fund, as well as the Singapore Sports Council, as well asNational athletes can apply for new scholarships next. They can get college diplomas while training, or study after retirement.The pain and psychological suffering.

However, as discussed above, when Singapore expands the definition of people's success and the way to obtain success, the society to be displayed can be compatible or can try both beliefs.The greatest consensus and trust of this belief can be more considerate and cooperative in the process of realization.Many times, all parties that compete for interests or resources really need to have one step back, the wisdom and perseverance of the sea wide sky.To be compatible and compatible, we need to be more moral. After thinking from another angle, let go sincerely or help people.

Harris, who was running for the President of the United States a few days ago, gave a speech at the last day of the Democratic National Congress of Democratic Party. She repeatedly mentioned that her single mother did not forget the value and belief of her children's life when she was busy with her home.As a minority group in the United States, her mother often reminds her children not to tell others who you are, to reflect who you are, and show who you are.

Prime Minister Huang Xuncai in Chinese Lecture of the National Day Mass Conference , also mentioned how his mother's words and deeds reflect the values ​​of their generations of Singaporeans: the spirit of diligence, self-reliance, and never abandoning.Waiting. The far -reaching impact of children and family education are often known when future generations grow up. However, the role of family education and school education on the shape of life shaping has a long history on the country's society.

The development of Singapore's next stage is in the hands of the fourth -generation leadership team, but what kind of country and society should Singapore be in the future, or the people must fight for and reflected it.The definition of success should be expanded, and the road to success must be expanded. Everyone's heart and vision must first be wider to accommodate the opinions and demands of others, including their life path.