The National Day Congress held last week, for those who have elementary school students at home, the most important news is that the 40-year history of Primary School Gao Education Plan (GEP) will be reforming .

The original intention is to identify and train students with special academic talents to meet their special education needs.These students' ability is more special, and they can be seen only depending on the ratio -only 1%of students in each session are selected.

But this educational plan involved in only 1%of students has gradually deviated from the track in the trend of tutoring in recent years.

GEP has been controversial in the past.Some critics believe that selection in the third grade of elementary school is unfair to those late students.Others believe that GEP pays attention to academic ability, but lacks the cultivation of creativity, sports art, and sense of responsibility.

If these criticisms are questioned by the rationality of GEP design, in recent years, some "chicken -blood parents" who regard GEP as swon -scholarship (compilation: refers to educating with radical, excessive and excessive pressure.Children) is fundamentally disintegrated from GEP.

The Ministry of Education of Singapore clearly pointed out that for the selection of Gep, it is not encouraged to prepare before the test to ensure that the selected and realistic gifted students are selected.

But because of the GEP exam, it means that they can enter one of the nine top universities in the GEP classes. Some parents with famous school complexs will invest in huge financial resources and energy to "chicken baby", so that children have no day without day.There is no night to brush the question, so that you stand out in the GEP exam and successfully get the voucher for prestigious schools.

On a new immigrant social platform, GEP has become the only way for foreigners to transfer to school in their mouths.

Some tutoring institutions have also targeted this market in recent years, focusing on firepower to promote the GEP tuition courses, and through the sea tactics and duck -filled teaching, it has spawned a group of pipeline -type GEP players.

These players not only deliberately prepared before the test, but also under the catalysis of the theater, and continuously advanced this preparation, and even some people even reached the kindergarten stage in advance.

From the perspective of parents, the mood of looking at the son Jackie Chan and the daughter Chengfeng can be understood. The GEP system once benefited those 1%high talents.However, as the competition approaches to deformity, GEP has completely changed, and the government eventually had to draw salary.

To some extent, GEP is sent away by some parents with a "chicken", but its reform does not mean that parents no longer "chickens".As long as there is a screening mechanism and competition, there will be "chicken mom" and "chicken baby".

Parents attach importance to education, and it is aore to cultivate high -quality talents for the society and have a positive role in social progress.But from the rules and destroying the fundamental "chicken", it will cause the society to fall into excessive and disorderly competition.

Moreover, the chicken baby mode that emphasizes competition and with zero -sum thinking also squeezes the cultivation space for a person to reason, character, and humanistic care.

When such students enter the society, is it more likely to become a wise, tolerant, careless, and long -term leader, or is it a delicate self -interesting self -consuming, eliminating alien, and seeking to maximize benefits?The answer is self -evident.

GEP reform does not mean that the chicken baby dies, but it can promote more people to reflect on the current educational system and social value orientation, and redefine the connotation of success and excellence.

Prime Minister Huang Xuncai mentioned in an interview two months ago that society has become impetuous and increasingly fierce. Everyone tries to surpass each other. Chinese people become anxious and nervous, and they also pass this pressure to the next generation.This is what he is unhappy.The cause of this phenomenon is a single narrow values ​​and evaluation system.

GEP reform only has an impact on a small part of the people, but the reform concept refracted behind it may guide the wider direction of educational change in the future.