The benefits of democratic politics are to let the public discover that the people in the election are actually good and bad, and no one is absolutely correct.The last choice of everyone must be more compatible with compatibility, do not engage in extreme one side, and can gather the great successors of various claim policies.

Observation of the US presidential election generally focuses on the performance and judgment of candidates, as well as support for relevant policy orientation.But from a deeper level, a series of modern political design in the United States is the real trader leading the operation and development of the general election.The so -called system is stronger than people, and it is fully clear in this regard.

For example, in early July, President Biden decided to withdraw from the 2024 election and passed the relay torch to Harris, a political new generation.Many public opinion praised Bai Deng's high -end festival and retreating rapidly.However, there are two political design and mechanisms, which also strongly contribute to the elderly's retreat and newcomer relay.

The first is the open debate mechanism of the presidential candidate.This arrangement was first created in September 1960. With the popularity of American families at that time, and combined with the principles of disclosure, transparent, and fair democratic politics, the vocal video broadcast on the presidential candidate debate, becoming a new way for the mass media industrylandscape.Today, on June 27, Biden and Trump's first round of television debate will fully expose Biden's elderly disadvantages.This is actually a good thing for the United States' democratic politics, and once again proves the positive value of the public debate of the television media.

The second item is the democratic operation mechanism within the American party.The general principle is that, as a group of politicians, political parties should maintain internal unity and unity. Do not do their own, and do their own claims, otherwise the existence of political parties will lose its meaning.However, at the same time, when facing some key major political tests and choices, there should be a channel for freedom and controversy in the party, rather than engaging in a word of life, parental system, and dedication, and finally harmed the fundamental interests of the nation.

After the Health issue of Biden was fully exposed, many heavy people and celebrities in the Democratic Party dared to continue to disagree and dismiss the publicity of Biden, forming unprecedented public opinion pressure, and also contributed to Biden's final final.Retirement decision.This reflects the healthy vitality of the American political party and the courage to correction of social errors, and is close to the wisdom realm of the "gentleman and different" of the Chinese princes.

The so -called modern political design is mainly based on the rules and mechanisms formulated by the exploration, research and theory of modern political science. It is an important part of modern political civilization.In contrast, the quality, rationality, and morality of traditional political science is serious.Living for life, rule of blood, jungle laws, gang home rules, etc., are the main characteristics of traditional politics. There are not many rational and morality, and the final result of politics continues to be ridiculous and defeated.

Modern political rules are like the Olympic Games

There is a metaphor that can vividly indicate the difference between modern politics and traditional politics.Modern sports competitions are the result of scientific design, otherwise they will be easily reduced to fight, and they will easily become ugly.The reason why the various competitions in the Olympic Games are wonderful because the mechanism contains two major scientific design: first of all, the rules of the competition, and the second is the referee supervision.Although the rules and the referees are not perfect, it is a big difference compared to any Hu Lai and justice.In the same way, the traditional politics of lack of political design is unsustainable, and it will enter the dead alley in the contemporary world.

One of the important practices of modern political design is to implement the term system of major leaders.The President of the United States requires the president for four years, and must be re -elected afterwards.Some people think that the four years are too short, and the president's throne has not been hot. The relevant politics policy has not yet been fully implemented, and the term of office is here.Is this a profit or disadvantage to the development of the country?

It is particularly worth pointing out that the United States stipulates that the term of office of the president is four years. The concept behind it is not to worry about the excellent president, but to prevent the president from being stupid.If the president is excellent, it is enough to continue to strive for re -election.But if the president is stupid, you should choose it as soon as possible, and please be clever.Another mysteries are the differences between the political and small countries.The political figure of the small country is relatively flexible, easy to adjust, and the consequences of the problem are not to the top of Taishan; the political politics is the opposite.

This corresponds to the tragedy of the unfortunate sinking of the iceberg in the Atlantic in the Atlantic in the early 20th century.Although the radar detection technology was not invented at the time, the Titanic was observed through the crew's naked eye, and the danger of iceberg was actually discovered in advance.In other words, before the deadly collision sediment, the Titanic had a warning time.But why is the warning in the end invalid?Because the volume and tonnage of the ship is too large, once the route is determined, a strong inertial guidance will be formed. It cannot make flexible direction and risk avoidance like a boat. In the endshipwreck.

Once the politics of the big country discovers the direction problems and strategic mistakes, correction and improvement must be decisive, fast, and not hesitant, so as to minimize and avoid the loss of interests of the nation at the fastest speed and maximum limit.The United States has always limited the term of office of leaders for four years, because of the setting and consideration of this error correction mechanism.In addition, if the situation is urgent and the crisis is deep, US politics also designed the impeachment mechanism for the president, that is, the end of the four -year term is over, and measures can also be taken to correct the fallacy of the presidential power.

This shows that the core concept of American political design is the modern western political science thought and value system formed since the enlightenment of the 18th century.Otherwise, absolute power will definitely cause absolute corruption.Based on these concepts, when the Republican presidential candidate, that is, former President Trump, constantly blatantly seek to expand its own power, and to Vietnam's effective series of modern political design and mechanisms, it encounters American society to get worseThe more resentment, rebuke and countermeasures.

Harris later struggled with Trump

At present, the US election is the Democratic Party's Harris later, and walked out of the previous disadvantages of Biden, which caused Trump to be struggling.Although the overall election situation is still deadlock, Harris's momentum is optimistic, especially the Democratic Party is about to hold a party conference in Chicago.Candidates' official nomination.The Trump side is currently speaking more about the old and personal attacks. In addition to some advantages in the issue of illegal immigration, other economic topics, such as economic topics, have slowed down with US inflation rates, the stock market and employment data continue to be strong. Trump’sThere are not many opportunities left.

In the international structure, the overall security situation of India is relatively stable recently; in the Middle East, Israel has changed the large -scale to Hamas to the precise point of the purpose of Hamas and the Lord.In the Ukrainian front line, the Ukraine recently broke out of the strange soldiers, attacking it, and attacked the weakly defensive Kurusk area in Russia, obtained a considerable result, and was reversing the stalemate passive battle.Generally speaking, any favorable change in the international situation is to add points to the United States and the government, which is not conducive to challengers and opposition parties.

Of course, to really win the presidential election in early November, Harris also has many difficult and dangerous barriers to face and leap.The benefits of democratic politics are to let the public discover that the candidates are actually good and bad, and none of them are absolutely correct.The last choice of everyone must be more compatible with compatibility, do not engage in extreme one side, and can gather the great successors of various claim policies.

This involves a clarification of a key concept, that is, if the end is Harris's victory, whether the United States will become described by some people, and start to slide to extreme left politics, average socialism, and disorderly liberalizationDisaster?Remember, if Harris wins, it is also a victory under the framework of the US democracy and freedom to rule, that is, the US political design and mechanisms do not allow the president to do whatever they want.She must be tried to check and balance from different power agencies, party claims, media public opinion, and public opinion.This kind of balance can be reliable to make US political banks more reliableEntry on the overall track of rationality, moderation, and common sense.

Some people will say that in this case, there should be no problem when choosing Trump to come to power, and the United States will not be derailed.It is true that this should be the case, but Trump is almost an exception now: This person's words and deeds record mostly show that anti -wisdom is absurd, trying to damage the effective political design and mechanism of the American democracy.In that case, the future of the United States' democratic freedom legal system is a bit out of measurement.There are mainstream public opinion comments in the United States: "Trump wants to compete with the political design and mechanism of American democracy, which is equivalent to embarking on the road of self -destruction and it will be difficult to return to the White House."In this regard, we might as well wait and see.

The author is an expert in international cultural strategy research and consultation in the United States