The first public meeting of Prime Minister Huang Xuncai after his inauguration was refreshing.In his Chinese speeches, he specially made a clear guarantee on the bilingual policy that Chinese News Agency cared about: "To keep the spiritual appearance and traditional values ​​of Asians."Therefore, there are reason to believe that strengthening mother tongue is still the basic national policy.Although the bilingual policies have been implemented for decades to cultivate generations of talents, various signs show that Singapore's bilingual advantages are weakening, and the level of mother tongue is getting worse.In the long run, Singapore is inevitable as the characteristics of Asian society, and the harmonious foundation of diverse races and culture is difficult.As Huang Xuncai said, it is not only policy, but also about the mentality of the Chinese people.

Huang Xuncai promised in Chinese speeches: "We not only have‘ elite ’, we also have‘ essence ’.” The Ministry of Education will adjust policies so that students who are good in Chinese can also select advanced Chinese when they are promoted.Students of senior Malay and senior Tamilwen have also benefited from the willingness and ability.At the same time, the adjustment of education policies also includes the reform of the elementary talent education plan that is closer to the teaching spirit of the spirit of the aptitude, so that all schools have greater autonomy and have strong training in various subjects and highly interested students.This should also be applied to the mother tongue department.In other words, in the future, the determination of students' potential will no longer be accurate according to the overall grades, but will more accurately according to the performance of the students in each subject, so as not to omit talents.

Following the idea of ​​"let students who are good in Chinese to study Gao Hua" and encourage more local students to study in the Chinese department of college is the meaning of the title."The goal.Some students with strong Chinese ability and strong interest have been rejected outside the Chinese department because their overall grades do not meet the standards.Effect "", excessively cultivate foreign talents and marry others.If you can start with the reform of the high -talented education plan, from elementary school to university, paving the road for the development of "essence", it will definitely have a positive effect on reversing the disadvantages of local mother tongue.

Improve the standard of mother tongue is not only a matter on campus, but the vast number of social environment must also be conducive to the learning and use of mother tongue.The three major mother tongues of the Huobuyin have the constitutional guarantee position. The speech of Huang Xuncai's National Day Mass Congress, in accordance with the tradition, speaks first in Mandarin and Malay.Because of his duty, society must do it. In various official notices, signs, street signs, signboards, and public places, four official languages ​​are used to allow young peopleIn an environment of moisturizing and silent, I really feel the reality of Singapore as Asian society.In this way, Singapore's "Asian's spiritual appearance and traditional values" described by Huang Xuncai.

Huang Xuncai uses Hainan curry rice as a metaphor, emphasizing the importance of building a diverse and tolerant society, and the vitality of mother tongue is an absolute necessary condition to ensure that local society maintains Asia, diversified and tolerant characteristics.In addition, from the needs of national survival and development, the decline in the standard of mother tongue to maintain Singapore's multi -language and multi -cultural competitive advantage has also reached the moment of the inflection point that must be faced.Not only is Singapore's development of China's development, regional countries such as India and Indonesia have also risen one after another.Singapore's three major native tongues correspond to these three important markets.If only in English, the advantages of Chinese people in these markets will inevitably weaken.Bilingual policies ensure that Singapore can still stand in the fierce competition, but if the next generation is generally single -speaking, the state becomes a cultural island in Southeast Asia.

In addition to the adjustment of policy, changes in mentality may be more critical.The so -called slap is not lingering. The educational policy reduces testing to reduce the pressure of students' learning, but it has led parents to invest in a new round of tuition "arms race". The results are counterproductive.In the same way, emphasizing the importance of mother tongue learning, we must get the sincere recognition and cooperation of parents.Some parents adhere to the wrong concept of English first, and they are unwilling to use their mother tongue at home to make the school's efforts.Parents are the first mentors in the use of children's language. Mo Shilian, the winner of this Olympic medal medal, is a lively example.This is not only related to children's international competitiveness in the future. The expression of family relationships between parent -child and the transmission of values ​​cannot be separated from the nourishment of mother tongue.

Huang Xuncai pointed out correctly that Singapore's "re -start" cannot only rely on policies, but also must replace attitudes and thinking, and achieve new Singapore dreams in a more adventurous spirit and openness.Judging from the preliminary response of public opinion, Huang Xuncai wants to pass on the local culture from generation to generation. The government must continue to support the Chinese community and pay attention to the sincere statement of the development of the Chinese society, and get a general affirmation.It is undoubtedly optimistic to review the innovation of bilingual policies and expecting mother tongue to enter the society from the campus.Parents of all ethnic groups must seize the opportunity, cooperate with the government's new thinking, adopt a new mentality, and blew a new Dongfeng to the inheritance and prosperity of the local mother tongue.