Intellectuals are the conscience of the nation, the social elite is the mainstay of the country, and the youth is the hope of the future.The Chinese elites' cynicism is an important reason for the long -standing disease of Chinese economic and people's livelihood.

Mr. Li Zhengdao, a well -known Chinese scientist and the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, died in the United States on August 4.As soon as the news came out, Chinese people around the world and benefited from his universities and scientific research institutions generally held a commemorative ceremony to remember him.

Li Zheng Daoxian's death has been grandly mourned by all parties, not only in his physical achievements, but also in the help of the new scientific research in Lu, Hong Kong and Taiwan, the cultivation of Chinese students from China and the world around the world, and the cultivation of talents.Although Li Zhengdao became American citizen after 1962, he never forgotten his hometown and his own Chinese identity, and contributed to the scientific research and education across Greater China.

Li Zhengdao's personal destiny is also quite legendary and ups and downs.He grew up in the cruel anti -war years, his studies were interrupted many times, and his life was threatened.However, he still studied stubbornly, got the proper teacher, and was fortunate to go to the United States to further studied.In 1957, he won the Nobel Prize in Physics with Yang Zhenning.

In the early 1950s, many Chinese intellectuals and scientists in the United States went to China from the United States for the enthusiasm of the country and the summoning of the motherland to benefit the people from the United States.However, the political movement of more than 20 years allowed these people to suffer (including Li Zhengdao's friend Wu Ningkun), and some died of persecution.Li Zhengdao was keenly aware of the danger of returning to China. He stayed in the United States. This not only let him escape the death robbery, but also gave him the opportunity to discover that "Yu is not conservative" and won the Nobel Prize.This has to be said to be his luck.By the early 1970s, Sino -US relations were warm, and Li Zhengdao actively visited the mainland and was interrupted by Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai.

Li Zhengdao successfully persuaded Mao Zedong to agree to set up a college junior class that cultivates forward -looking talents, establish a series of scientific research institutions and facilities, and start the frozen Sino -US science and technology exchanges after 1949.After the reform and opening up, Li Zhengdao actively bridged the academic exchanges of Sino -auspicious and across the ocean.This reflects his response and wisdom, and cares and pay for Chinese scientific research and talent training.

It can be said that Li Zhengdao is the mainstay of academic and scientific exchanges in China and the United States for decades.If there was no effort of Li Zhengdao at that time, the exchanges between science and education in China and the United States would still break the ice and progress, but it would be greatly reduced.

Li Zhengdao's friends and colleagues in the United States, such as Yang Zhenning, Wu Jianxiong, and Ding Zhao, have also made extraordinary achievements. They also visited China one after another after the warmth of China -US relations, and made huge for the development of Chinese scientific research and education.contribute.They have also made immortal merit about the development of the United States and all mankind.

But other Chinese intellectuals returned from the United States in the 1950s, as well as many Chinese literary and scientific scholars who have been staying in the mainland after 1949, have experienced the catastrophe they have never expected, tortured by the physical and spiritual tortureEssenceSuch as Zhao Jiuzhang, Yao Tongbin, Xiao Guangxi, etc., even committed suicide or were killed.Fortunately, the survival of the world was also bruised, missed life, missed the rapid development of the world, and it was no longer possible to achieve breakthrough achievements.Their talents and potentials are not much different from Li Zhengdao and others, but because they choose to return to China and suffer a cruel political movement, they will be destroyed in the sudden rain of the times.

There are also more special examples.Gao Yan and Cui Qi, who also won the Nobel Prize in Physics, fled from the mainland to Hong Kong around the mainland around 1950, and studied in Hong Kong and Britain and the United States.N this end of the Nobel Prize.The father and fellow of their hometown suffered in the "first thirty years" of the Republic. Among them, the great famine occurred in Henan, Cui Qi's hometown, and many of his relatives and friends starved to death.The cousin was begging for a while.Gao Yan and Cui Qi are the most lucky among their hometown. It is not because they are so talented. The most determined for their fate is that they fled to Hong Kong. If they were ready to escape in the later years, they could not escape at all.

Li Zhengdao's life and his friend's situation reflect the ups and downs of Chinese elites in mainland China in the 20th century, and the differences between different choices.In the first half of the 20th century, the Chinese elites and overseas Chinese overseas Chinese in the Republic of China generally had strong national emotions and aspirations to repay the country. They advocated democracy and science, and also practiced internally.The Anti -Japanese War even condensed the Chinese community.

But the changes in China's political situation and the world pattern later made the world tear and internal Chinese in the world, including Chinese elites.Intellectuals who stayed (or return) were destroyed in a round of political movement.Chinese elites in mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the United States and Europe, and Southeast Asia have experienced different sorrows and joys, and wrote a very different life destiny.

Leave many sequelae to this day

By the 1980s, the red storm finally passed, and the Chinese who were discretely re -connected and condensed. The economic construction and culture and educational sciences of mainland China were restarted. Other Chinese people accounted for most areas to develop at high speed.In the new era of peace and development into mainstream, economic and scientific and technological strength, becoming the main theme of international competition, Chinese scholars in Hong Kong and Taiwan, and the United States and Europe have made great contributions to the economic and scientific and technological development of mainland China.

But behind the situation of development and connection, there are many sorrows and regrets.Many intellectuals who have been destroyed in the "first thirty years" have many sleep and sleep, and survivors have also been hit. It is difficult to restore their body and mind completely.Chinese science and education have also been destroyed. A large number of research and scientific research fields left in the fields of academics and scientific research are gapped, the phenomenon of falsification is proliferation, the first -purpose horse is the first, lack of generals, creativity, and anti -wisdom superstition.

There is also a harsh consequences that after experiencing suffering and tearing, Chinese and many overseas Chinese generally have become cynicism, selfishness, losing moral beliefs, no longer sincerely cared about the suffering of fellow citizens or others, no public consciousness and public consciousness and no public consciousness andSocial responsibility has become a "exquisite self -interest."And compared to the old intellectuals who have maintained patriotism in the period of the Republic of China, the people, including today's young intellectuals, are more self -interesting, and some people have obviously fallen.

Intellectuals are the conscience of the nation, the social elite is the mainstay of the country, and the youth is the hope of the future.The Chinese elites' cynicism is an important reason for the long -standing disease of Chinese economic and people's livelihood.When these people with the most knowledge, judgment, vocal conditions, and public status are silent or even dark, how can others have the ability to change their reality?

In recent years, between mainland China and Hong Kong and Taiwan, between Chinese and worldwide, due to interests and ideology, they have gradually differentiated and opposed.The former "Greater China" no longer has such a strong cohesion. The new generation of Hong Kong people, Taiwanese, and overseas Chinese no longer have deep feelings for mainland China, and even intentionally alienated and opposed.

Wu Jianxiong, Gao Yan, Yu Yingshi, and Li Zhengdao, who grew up in the Republic of China and still had deep feelings for their hometown, still have deep feelings, and went one after another.Other well -known scholars who are still healthy are few and there are fewer time.After these people went, the new generation of Chinese intellectuals, whether they have been studying and living in the mainland, or Hong Kong and Taiwan scholars, the American and European Chinese elites, I am afraid it is difficult to have the old generation of family feelings, social responsibility, and care for compatriots.

This makes the author more pessimistic about China's future development prospects and the connection with the developed world.But this is difficult to change.The "exquisite self -interest" and various ills in Chinese academic research, the alienation of the identity of Chinese identity outside the mainland of mainland China is also the creation of various historical and practical issues, and it is not the subjective patriotism and responsibility of the parties.

The author is a writer in Europe, a countryInter -political researcher