Former US President Trump has the trend of returning to the White House.Especially on the afternoon of July 13th, the assassin bullet with only one ears from his brain was not desired, but he did not want his life, but his thrust returned to the pot.Trump will return to the White House to scare many American Western allies, most of which are European countries and Britain, a subsidiary of the European Union.The reason to terrify the European allies is related to the discordant experience of Trump during the ruling and his amazing remarks about Russia.

Trump's idea of ​​governing the country is "U.S. Priority".Under the United States, he has no international vision, and no more Western leaders.By the way, if the past U.S. President is the same as Trump's thoughts, there will be no United Nations in the world and no world trade organizations.Trump played a trade war, regardless of the blue -red soap and white allies.He scolded China, Germany, and Germany was worse than China.

He often praised Pujing and never criticized Putin to invade Ukraine.Last year, he told Reuters reporters that Ukraine may have to give up some territories in order to reach a peace agreement.He ridiculed Ukrainian President Zelezaki as "the most amazing salesman in history" and asked the United States to spend a huge amount of money for Ukraine.He has repeatedly hinted that he wants to withdraw from NATO, scares countries with enough military expenses, and even encourage Putin to attack these countries.

Putin's invasion of Ukraine made the European Union feel that this was an unprecedented security threat encountered in Europe after World War II.It must be supported by Ukraine for a long time, and Putin must not win.This is the consensus between the European Union and the United Kingdom, and also their mission.But execution and completion of this mission must be under the leadership of the United States.Without the United States, the rest of the EU and Britain will be greatly reduced.In fact, as of now, the European Union and the United Kingdom are led by the United States, helping Ukura and Russia to effectively curb Putin's ambitions.

Now, this Trump who does not condemn Putin does not condemn Putin, may be back to the White House, how can you not be afraid of worry about the EU?

On the other hand, Russia, Foreign Minister Raferov hinted at the United Nations headquarters of New York on July 17 that reporters preferred Trump, especially Trump's partner Wans.Lavrov said that Wan Si "supported peace and supported the assistance that was at the end. This is what we need -stop providing a large number of weapons to Ukraine, and the war will end."

In fact, Europe does not have to worry. Russia does not need to be happy because things are changing and Trump is changing.

The incident changed because the Democratic Party changed the candidate, Asian and African -American vice president Harris, and caminated the president with Trump.Harris is currently in the limelight. According to recent polls, Harris is slightly better than Trump. Whether Trump can return to the White House is no longer on board.

Trump is changing, and a telephone conversation revealed the clue.Trump said on July 19 to conduct a "very good call" with Zelezki and agreed to a private meeting.Why did he change?I think he obeyed the suggestion of his friend, the purpose is to vote and then be president.

A heavyweight friend of Trump is the person who promotes Tarizer's friendly call -former British Prime Minister Johnson.When Johnson was in power in the UK, he was considered the British version of Trump. The appearance of the two was a bit like a big, unique blonde, and grinning the train.Except for this appearance, Johnson is not like Trump at all.

Johnson's thoughts are sharp and sharp, relying on column life.He is not as short as Trump, and he looks at the Ukraine crisis from a strategic level.He was the first in the early days when the Ukraine had a difficult war.It should be Trump's analysis that made Johnson's daily post in the UK, saying that Trump understood that if Ukraine failed, it would be a disaster to the United States and Europe and the world.

Another friend of Trump was his Secretary of State Pompeo during the White House.Pompeo is also a activist who supports Ukraine. He visited Kiev on Jendoski on April 3 last year.He advocated providing F16 fighters and long -range missiles to Ukraine for a long time, and did not set up these weapons on Ukraine.On July 25, Pompeo and Trump's last campaign of senior adviser to the president, Erbon, jointly published a Trump Ukraine Peace Plan on the Wall Street Journal.The article is to rehabilitate Trump's statement that does not support Ukraine, and then introduce Trump in detail for Ukraine in the future. It is more better, more reliable, and more reliable than the Bayeon government and the European Union.EssenceReaders can consult this article- "A Trump Peace Plan for Ukraine".

This expression of Trump's change in the attitude towards Wu, we speculate that Trump allows, or even his intention.He will inevitably stimulate competitors Harris.Biden, who is ruling, may come up with better Ukrainian policies and measures and bless the Harris campaign.

For the voting, in order to defeat Harris, to return to the White House, Trump changed and became inclined to Ukraine.Looking at the presidential campaign from his US president, it can be said that this is a good thing -it is conducive to Ukraine, Europe, the United States, and the world.

The author is Chinese retired machinery designer