"At the beginning of the upgrade package, you can‘ one -click processing ’online. If you reduce the package, you must find customer service or offline."

It is reported that in recent years, telecommunications operators have launched increasingly diverse mobile tariff packages for users to choose, but some consumers want to adjust the package to lower gears according to actual needs.On the online shopping platform, there are even some people who specialize in various changes setting services as their business. The higher -selling agency stores even receive more than 10,000 orders, and they sell hundreds a day.

In terms of motivation, some telecommunications operators set up obstacles to prevent consumers from changing the package, which is nothing more than to protect performance and keep customers.A customer pays a 128 yuan package fee to the operator every month. Now it will be reduced to a 78 yuan package, which will reduce the revenue of 50 yuan.According to operator logic, most consumers are afraid of trouble. It is also a way to slow business loss through some procedures.

Objectively speaking, this approach still has a certain effect in reality. Some customers may be really because of trouble.For example, if you handle the number of transfers to the network somewhere, only seven or eight people can successfully handle it a day, and citizens have to go to line up early in the morning.In this case, if there is an agency that can help it, the public is likely to have a willingness to pay.

This kind of "making difficulties without difficulty" must also retain customers. There are two important industry backgrounds behind it. One is the special operation method of the telecommunications industry.

In general industries, one more customer means an additional cost at the same time, and one less customer means one less cost.However, the telecommunications industry is different. Once the basic network is completed, the customer has little to do with the actual increasing or decrease of their consumption. If the customer is reduced by 50 yuan, it will reduce the net profit of almost 50 yuan.This interest relationship has caused operators to be particularly sensitive to the loss of customers. Under the pressure of layers of performance, it may be possible to keep the customer's revenue in order to keep the customer's revenue.

The speed of revenue in emerging businesses such as cloud computing and the Internet of Things has slowed down, and the revenue of traditional communications business has fallen into stagnation. The overall day of the operator is another serious background.The personal communication market has long been saturated, and there are no increased customers, but the market is both the market and innovation, which has led to a large amount of redundancy in the traffic of the user package.

This provides soil for the breeding of various chaotic phenomena, including the settlement of the set meal settings, and the selling business of various low -cost packages.In order to grab new customers at the same time, it will not shake old customers. Operators often launch some low -cost packages for small -scale groups, and these packages may be publicly sold by insiders.

For ordinary merchants, consumers rely on consumers to retain consumers actually have no way to pay, but because operators have a strong market position, their loss of goodwill is not sensitive.This requires the relevant regulatory authorities to take timely shots and set up "traffic lights" to protect consumer rights.The setting threshold for the set meal is low, and the guests naturally lose room for existence.

In fact, this channel does not exist.For example, the report mentioned that the so -called agency service is actually a merchant replacing consumer complaints. During the processing process, you need to provide mobile phone numbers, verification codes, etc., and answer the call.Therefore, the actual information of the agency is the money that is asymmetry.

So why can't we tell and simplify these effective complaint channels, so that most consumers benefit from it?As a service provider, telecommunications operators should uphold the principles of integrity and provide convenient and transparent services to consumers. By optimizing the package design and improving the transparency of service, they can truly take consumers.

Acting on agency and successful protection of rights, consumers should not have the psychology when they want to change the package. When encountering similar problems, they must dare to speak and be brave enough to defend their rights.In this way, it is also expected to promote the problem of "upgrading and difficulty in upgrading" of the telecommunications package.

Concer/Shin Haiguang Editor/Xu Qiuying School Division/Wu Xingfa