Source: China News Agency

Yunnan Province, which has the reputation of the "Kingdom of Animals", took the lead in establishing a wild animal public liability insurance system in China.On the 19th, the "High -quality Development Research Bank" Yunnan Province's theme interview activity was launched in Kunming.Ding Ye, deputy director of the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Yunnan Province, introduced to the media that Yunnan Province has invested a total of 710 million yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 130 million) for this insurance system, and pays 656 million yuan in insurance insurance.

Yunnan Province, located in southwest of China, is one of the richest areas in the world's richest biological species. It is also the province with the richest biological diversity in China. It has the reputation of "plant kingdom", "animal kingdom" and "world garden".

As of the end of 2023, Yunnan Province has 542 national key protection of wild plants and 386 terrestrial wildlife, accounting for 48.01%and 56.27%of China, and the protection rate of national key wild animals and plant species reaches 84.91%.The 30 very small population wild plants have been separated from the threat of extinction. The green peacock has increased to more than 800, and the Asian elephant has increased to more than 300 heads. Extremely endangered species such as the western black crown gibbon and rhino birds show a stable growth trend.

In order to promote the harmonious coexistence of people and animals, Yunnan Province has steadily implemented the system of wild animal public liability insurance systems. Since 2010, it has piloted in Lincang City, Xishuangbanna, and some counties and cities in 2014.

Over the years, Yunnan Province has continuously improved the standards of public liability compensation for wild animals, especially since 2021, continuously increasing the amount of wild animal liability insurance insurance insurance amount in the Asian elephant distribution area.

Tao Daqiang, a villager in Dadugang Township, Datugang Township, Nishuangbann, told reporters, "Last October, my family's 4 acres of corn was suffered by the elephant. Fortunately, the government got insurance and gave me more than 3,000 yuan.Compensation.