There are also some such idealists in Singapore that we should not mark race and nationality on ID cards.Looking at the riots in the UK, it should be said that "racial color blindness" can be rest.Do not think of harmony and surface tranquility as a natural thing, let alone mistakenly think that we are really integrated in a furnace.

On July 29th, a 17 -year -old boy with a knife in a 17 -year -old junior in a children's dance workshop in the northwest of England broke into a murderous case, causing three girls to die, and then riots all over the United Kingdom.This is the worst riots in the United Kingdom after 13 years. Starters in some places throw burning bottles, smashed and robbery shops, attacked churches and arson to burn the police station, causing many police and people to be injured, and hundreds of people were arrested.Western media generally call the riots "UK Riots".

The last large -scale riots in the UK occurred in 2011, and some media called the inflammation of London and the riot of London.On the evening of August 6 that year, a series of social riots began in the capital London, which continued until August 10 to subsidize.The riots were the Totnam in northern London on August 4 of that year. A 29 -year -old black male Mark Dagan was shot shot by police officers from the London Police Department.Two riots have different causes before and after, but they are all related to racial emotions.

It is worthy of our attention that the reason why the case of juvenile killing children has evolved into a riot, according to the official and media, because after the blood case occurs, someone will spread false news and revenge (Muslim) on the Internet and sayThe murderer was just a Muslim who just crossed to Britain.This immediately aroused anti -return and anti -immigrant emotions in various places, and was out of control.It can also be seen from the dissatisfaction of a great anti -immigrant (especially Muslim immigrants) in British society.

In accordance with British law, the identity of minor criminals could not be made public, but the court made a special decision to announce the identity of the murderer.It turned out that he was not a smuggling, nor was he Muslim, but the second -generation native citizen immigrated to the UK. His parents came from Rwanda, Africa, and were Christians.This move is a step slower, unable to stop the riots from happening in various places, but at least play a clarification of rumors and inhibit the further deterioration of riots.

The first warning we can get indirectly is that in the era of social media and self -media, rumors, hatred remarks, and various fake news are amazing.EssenceBased on this, social media companies must be subject to certain legal control, and freedom of speech is not absolute. There must be a bottom limit in everything.Social media gives people unprecedented convenience. A person who is afraid of the world can set off waves on the Internet.X's boss Musk was so. After the riots, he issued a tweet: The British civil war is unavoidable!Immediately caused the British government's shock.Obviously it was gloating, and oil was poured on the fire.

Secondly, government departments must be able to take out the evidence as soon as possible, keep the news unblocked, transparent, and stabilize the people's hearts.For example, the British police and courts are constrained by the legal provisions that cannot announce the identity of juvenile criminals, and the consequences are definitely worse.

Once again, after the riots, the British police immediately dispatched a large number of police forces to target the mob. In a few days, hundreds of troubleders were arrested, and they quickly controlled them to court to a deterrent.The riots and anti -racism demonstrations (demonstrations and rebellion, reflecting social differentiation), after about 10 days, calmed down.Imagine if the police are hesitant, let the demonstrators and thugs do not do it. What will the consequences?Can you calm down so quickly?

We will immediately think of the so -called "anti -delivery" riots that broke out in Hong Kong in 2019.In that riots, the mob was unscrupulous and even rushed into the Legislative Yuan to destroy it, but the Hong Kong police had always maintained tolerance and did not dare to start with the mobs.How about it?For example, on January 6, 2021, the US Congress Mountain Riot, if it was not for the official emergency transfer of military police to cope and target, it would be difficult to imagine.

The second warning we can indirectly draws is that peaceful demonstrations and riots are completely different, and we must stop violence in time.Riot is not a beautiful landscape described by Pelosi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States.Why is the riots that occur in Hong Kong? It is not a riot when it happens, and it must be targeted immediately to arrest the mobs and restore order?If riots are human rights, freedom and democracy, why not let thugs occupy Congress Mountain like a Hong Kong thug?Why not let British mobs continue to be free to demonstrate?

During the riots in Hong Kong, British politicians and mainstream media can be said to continue to ignite the wind. This time, the fire was burned to its eyebrows. See what the British media said.The famous economist magazine put forward three suggestions: severely punishing mobs, supporting immigration and improving local services.Note that the first suggestion was to severely punish the mob.Peaceful demonstration and smashing and burning are completely different.But when there is a riots in other people's homes, why didn't such suggestions happen?This is a false Taoism.

In the West, the demonstration of the assembly parade is regarded as a right to freedom, but as the society is deteriorated (such as the composition of the population has changed from a unit to diversity), the demonstration parade often evolves into violent destruction and smashed burning.This is worthy of our vigilance.

The third warning we can absorb is that racial emotions are very primitive, even in the so -called developed countries.European countries, including Britain, have received millions of immigrants over the years.These immigrants mainly come from Muslim countries in the Middle East and Africa. Due to the huge quantity, they have formed influential groups in society, and they also use their various "freedom rights", including demonstrations, but they wave in the rally.It is not a rice flag, but a green Muslim Banner.No wonder many British people lament that this time is different.At the same time, many white people have begun to feel their identity.What they may not know is that Muslims is not only a religious belief, but also a strict way of lifestyle.It is difficult for them to integrate into Western society!

In the past, few people immigrated to the UK. Naturally, they must actively try to integrate. The British also believe that the integration of outsiders and Yinghua is a matter of course. When you come to London, you have to live like a London.But now there are more immigrants, not only do you not fully integrate, but also formed your own "flying ground".This makes many white people who believe in Christianity very uncomfortable, so they also have strong emotions of anti -return and anti -immigrants.The deep cause of the riots is here.These social problems such as increasing crimes and unemployment are attributed to immigrants.Therefore, when the government summarizes them into the right right, they are very unconvinced.Because they feel that they are just expressing their dissatisfaction and concerns about illegal immigration issues as a path.

Britain is no longer a unit, so we see the appearance of non -white mayor and even Prime Minister.Although this reflects a certain social tolerance, racial contradictions are also undercurrent.Some idealists believe that we should "race blind", which means that different races are regarded as the same race, so that racial contradictions can be eliminated.This is not only ideal, but also almost naive.

There are also some such idealists in Singapore that we should not mark race and nationality on ID cards.Looking at the riots in the UK, it should be said that "racial color blindness" can be rest.Do not think of harmony and surface tranquility as a natural thing, let alone mistakenly think that we are really integrated in a furnace.Look at the riots of the British, should you wake up?The 200 -year experience in the United States is even better to explain that racial problems are not so easy to solve. Maintaining racial harmony is a work in progress.

Finally, we should further explore the various reasons for the riots.The riots are nearly a murder case, and the far cause is racial contradiction. More precisely, it is the racial emotion of the anti -mavericans.But there is another big background, that is, the economic downturn.At the time of economic prosperity, many social contradictions will temporarily dormancy. As soon as the economy worsen, the contradiction will soon surface.After the British self -Brexit, the economy will be stunnedSeriously affect employment.In the past few sessions of the Conservative Party government, the Prime Minister has nothing to do with one crab, and finally it is replaced by the Labor Party.This is a big background of the backlog of society.In recent years, world inflation has led to the increase in price of all things, and it has been hundreds of pounds for low -paying families; and the government's finance is stretched, it is difficult to do anything.Subsidy.

The news report on July 28 said that Treasury Secretary, Lifs, intends to announce the results of the fiscal review to Congress. Prime Minister Stammer announced before the report was announced that the Britain had "bankruptcy and fragmented", Accusing the conservative government of deficit of 20 billion pounds (about S $ 34.9 billion).Is the United Kingdom really dhind?

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress