Ukrainian Vietnam has entered the Kurusk region of southern Russia, which is considered one of the bolders in the war.How the Ukraine did, and what purpose Kiev wanted to achieve, still confused observers.

Shortly before August 6, a source of the Ukrainian military: "Keep paying attention to this border." The person pointed out that it was located in the northeast of Ukraine and near the Kuarsk of Russia.

"Looking forward to some interesting things."

A picture of Ukraine soldiers began to appear on the Internet within the day when it hinted that the operation of the operation, the pictures of the Ukrainian soldiers from the villages of the Kurusk area began to appear on the Internet.

Since Russia has fully invaded Ukraine, the Kursk region is one of the main launch platforms for Russia to launch an air strike on Ukraine civilians.It is estimated that thousands of Ukrainian soldiers participated in the cross -border operation and have now entered the second week.Kyiv's official number has not yet announced the number of people participating in the operation.

Russia said that the Ukrainian army controlled at least 28 villages, while Kiev gave a much higher figure, reaching nearly 80.

complete confidentiality

The preparation method of this counterattack shows that after the previously explained counterattack plan has not been realized, Ukraine has learned lessons from the error.

In the early summer of 2023, observers at home and abroad at home and abroad were closely concerned about the long -awaited counterattack. The plan aims to restore Ukraine's control over its southern territory and enter the Ashihai Channel.Online discussions and guess are very common.

At that time, General Valery Zaluzhnyi, commander of the Ukraine, warned not to turn it into an ornamental movement.

"This is not a performance." He told the Washington Post in an interview in 2023."This is not a performance that is watching and betting on the world. Every day, every meter is exchanged for blood."

In contrast, this operation has been in a state of confidentiality, making Russia have no time to prepare for this, so it can take advantage of it.Although the planner of this accident is still secret, they are likely to be in the military, military intelligence agencies and the presidential palace.

In February this year, Alexandr Syrskyi, who replaced Zalu, served as the commander -in -chief of the Ukraine, is likely to be one of the highest planners.

Initially, the Ukrainian President Zelene was withdrawn from the popular Zalu General in the Nigerian General of the Nigwa, and appointed a commander who was regarded as a more conservative and more flexible commander, and was widely criticized in social media.

Kyrylo Budanov, director of the 38 -year -old Ukraine Department of Intelligence, is the representative of the new generation of agents, and is almost certain that he is also directly involved.

Budhov and his team were responsible for conducting small -scale intelligence collection operations in the early days of Russia and Russian territories.

Participants are well -trained

Sources and analysts pointed out that another new element of this operation is that the coordination between the participating units is much smoother than before.

In the summer of 2023, the 47th Machinery Brigade as one of the Ukrainian elite troops made considerable progress in some front -line areas and repelled the Russian army.But because other troops in the neighboring areas have retreated, this progress has become futile.

Ukraine did not disclose which troops were fighting in Kurusk's operations.However, sources said that the participants in the operation were some well -trained personnel, which must be a difficult decision for Kiev itself -to remove these troops from the most challenging areas of the front line, and the Russian army continues to continuePromote.

In Kurusk's counterattack, there were signs that the Ukrainian forces were carefully prepared and weighted the resource allocation.In some cases, the Ukraine troops chose to bypass the Russian position instead of fighting directly with it.

Ukraine "occupied more Russian territory", Russia was first invaded by foreign armys in World War II

What is the ultimate goal of Ukraine?

Since the Second World War, Russia has never experienced the situation that foreign countries directly invaded their territory.Russian media accused Kiev's "like Germans".At the same time, Russia did not call this operation "invasion" or "aggression", but instead used the "border situation" or "terrorist behavior".

President Zessky said in a recent video speech that Ukraine is "achieving its strategic goal in Kurusk."Although he did not specifically explain what the goal was, it was clear that Ukraine managed to change the war narrative and restored the confidence of the outside world to regain its internationally recognized territorial ability.

Justin Crump, a former British Army officer and now operating a strategic risk consulting company. This operation is a bold gambling.Ukraine is still fighting. "

"President Zessky needs a victory to the people who are tired of the war and show it to his Western supporters that Ukraine can still bring pain to Russia."

At the same time, Russian President Vladimir Putin ruled out the possibility of negotiating with Ukraine and accused Ukraine of "people who attacked peaceful people and civilian infrastructure."

Russia vowed to make "tough responses" against Kurusk's counterattack.

Who will win the war and when will the war end?

The full invasion of Russia has entered the third year.

For the Ukrainian people, war is the core of daily life, because most families lose their loved ones on the front line, they are out of disruption or affected by other aspects.

For Russians, war is no longer far away.The recent development of the situation has made the war the focus of news, because hundreds of thousands of residents have to evacuate from several border areas.

For many people outside Ukraine and its neighboring areas, this has become a protracted conflict and cannot be seen.Regarding this war, the question of people's most searched is "who wins" and "when is the end".

Ukraine expressed hope to hold another Peace Summit by the end of this year to inject new vitality into the negotiations of the war.Until recently, it is difficult to imagine that Russia will attend such a summit.But Kurusk's operation gave the new bargaining ability in Ukraine.

At the same time, as the security expert Justin Klunp said: "Time does not stand on Ukraine", implying that Ukraine's human resources are limited and cannot penetrate the Russian territory too much.

However, at present, Kiev seems to have proven that it has the ability to prepare and perform rapid and unintentional military operations, and temporarily reverse the process of the war into a direction to itself.