The resale prices of HDB in recent years have continued to rise, causing Chinese people to worry about the out of control of the HDB price.At the National Day mass meeting on Sunday (August 18), Prime Minister Huang Xuncai stated that he would work to ensure that the price of a house was more affordable and announced that it would increase the subsidies to help Chinese people buy the first house.The next day, the National Development and Housing Bureau announced the cooling measures to reduce the loan and valuation ratio of housing loans (LTV) of the Housing Development Bureau's housing loans (referred to as LTV) from 80 % to 75 %.The two policies are two -pronged, and they want to slow down the price of price and allow Chinese people to continue to obtain housing affordable.

As the government launched real estate cooling measures several times and increased the supply of pre -order groups (BTOs), the rising price of the settlement price in the group has slowed down in 2023, from a significant increase in 10.4%in 2022 to 4.9 to 4.9%.However, the market demand is still strong, and fewer units that have reached the minimum residence period (MOP) this year have led to an increase of more than 4 % in the setting price of HDB in the first half of this year.

At the same time, the transfer price of more than one million yuan HDBC was reported from time to time. According to reports, as of August 15, nearly 600 groups of houses were resold at a price of more than one million yuan.48.This kind of news frequently appears on the news headlines, and even middle school students also submitted this newspaper exchange station · Youth perspective, worried that they could not buy a group house when they grew up.Millions of house houses are extremely small examples. Chinese people do not need to feel anxious, but if the seller's motivation and reason for raising the resolving price of the group house may drive the overall price to rise and even trigger real estate bubbles, so it is necessary to stop it in a timely manner.

The measures to reduce LTV are essentially reducing leverage. This seems to be fine -tuned, but it can substantially affect the budget of buyers.For example, a house with a 500,000 yuan house can originally loan 400,000 yuan, but under new measures, it can only be borrowed to 375,000 yuan. If there is no enough provident fund savings, cash must be used to complete the transaction.It will be more cautious when buying a house.National Development Minister Li Zhisheng said at a press conference on Tuesday that the official observing buyers who loans higher LTV will buy a large unit and pay a higher price, which is one of the reasons for the rising price of the overall house.

The impact of new measures on the first buyer is relatively small, especially low -income families, because they can get high housing subsidies.Eligible first -time home purchase families and single -time single -time single buyers, the additional settlement allowances can be increased by 40,000 yuan and 20,000 yuan, respectively.The problem of housing burden.

Market participants have reserved the effectiveness of new measures in suppressing rising house prices.This time the government tightened the housing loan regulations for the third time in less than three years.LTV was reduced from 90%to 85%at the end of 2021, and further reduced to 80%in 2022, but failed to significantly suppress the market.Experience tells us that in the short term, buyers will be carefully evaluated by new measures, so the demand for resale may temporarily slow. However, with time, demand will be restored.Besides, the LTV adjustment does not include bank loans, and buyers who do not meet the loan regulations of the Housing Bureau, and the purchase ability is not significantly affected. Especially for most buyers of one million yuan of housing housing, most buyers using bank loansMillions of houses sold will continue to cause anxiety.

In order to ensure that everyone can afford a house, the government does not rely on single measures, but adopts a series of comprehensive policies.For example, between 2021 and 2025, 100,000 new house units are supplied to ease the pressure of market demand for the HDB.The Golden List House Mode, which was launched earlier, increased the MOP to 10 years, helping to stabilize the price of houses in these areas and maintain the burden of the overall housing market.The joint role of all policies will ease the rise in the price of houses and ensure that everyone can afford it. This is indispensable for maintaining social stability in Singapore.

We should remember the original intention of the construction of the HDB house to provide a affordable housing for the people, not to make it a tool for speculation and profit.The appropriate appreciation of the group house is reasonable. Excessive rise will not only affect social fairness, but also deviate from the social functions that the HDB should have.Only when the group is no longer used as an investment tool, can the HDB market maintain stability and sustainability.As Huang Xuncai emphasized at the National Day Mass Congress, to realize the new vision of Singapore, in addition to government policies, the attitude of Chinese people must also be adjusted.