On the occasion of the 79th anniversary of the Korean National Day in South Korea, South Korean President Yin Xiyue published a declaration aimed at realizing the unified 8.15 unified declaration of the Korean Peninsula.Including a happy country that guarantees freedom and security, a strong and rich country through creativity and innovation, and a unified Korean blueprint that contributes to world peace and prosperity.

Yin Xiyue said, "Only the day when the freedom, democracy, and unified country of the country can be established on the entire Korean Peninsula can achieve a complete recovery." It is clear that the current Korean government promotes all members of the Korean Peninsula to enjoy the unity of freedom.

The north and south of the Korean Peninsula are in a split state and experienced extreme opposition for nearly 75 years.After the defeat of Japan in 1945, the Korean Peninsula got rid of the 36 -year colonial rule of the Japanese imperialism.However, as the victim of the Cold War pattern after the Second World War, the Korean War that broke out in 1950 in July 1953, so far failed to overcome the pain of division.Yin Xiyue emphasized that for South Korea, completely recovery is still an unfinished topic. The major historical topics that must be resolved today are a unified view.He particularly emphasized that the freedom to enjoy South Korea should be expanded to the frozen earth kingdom that was deprived of the freedom, and North Korea, which suffers from poverty and hunger.

Yin Xiyue's government focuses on the unified issue in this congratulatory word, which means that the Korean Peninsula unified discussion was re -ignited.Article 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Korea clearly stipulates that the Republic of Korea is yearning for unification, establishing a peaceful and unified policy based on the basic order of freedom and democracy and promoting it.Of course, the Government of the Republic of Korea has obliged to abide by the Constitution and carry out policies to be unified.At the ninth plenary session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Labor Party held by North Korea at the end of last year, the North -South Relations was characterized into "'hostile warfare relations" and announced that the anti -unified policy emphasized "two different countries theory" and prohibited from prohibiting.The use of the word "unity" makes the Korean Peninsula uniformly discuss the crisis of disappearance.In the case of North Korea's abandonment, the South Korean government actively promoted the will and direction of unification to North Korean residents and the international community.

Generally speaking, the previous Korean National Day congratulations are mainly for domestic, Japan, and North Korea.This year is exactly the 30th anniversary of the unified plan of the national community proposed during the Jinyong Three Government.case.Basically, the unity of gradual and phase is adopted, but it can only be dominated by the Korean and North Korean aspects, and there are certain limitations.Because once the North -South relations are in a deadlock, it is impossible to approach.In addition, North Korea's nuclear bomb and missile development and continuous provocations have restricted the discussion process of bilateral unified discussion in structure.

As a way to break through this stalemate, Yin Xiyue government should change the will of North Korean residents for freedom of unity.Of course, how to spread free unified information to the completely closed Korean society is a challenge.The North Korean regime will definitely oppose strongly.However, Yin Xiyue is convinced that if more North Korean residents realize that freedom unity is the only way to improve the lives of Korean residents, and let them believe that unified South Korea will tolerate themselves, then they will expect to be a strong friend of freedom and unity.

In order to achieve this goal, as a specific three major promotion strategies, it is to cultivate the free values ​​and strength of free and unified free and unity in China, promote the desire of Korean residents for freedom and unity, and ensure the international support of the Republic of Korea of ​​the Republic of Korea internationally internationally.EssenceAt the same time, it also proposed the role of activating unified projects, carrying out multi -dimensional efforts to improve North Korea's human rights, expanding the right to information contact with Korean residents, and protecting the humanitarian support of North Korean residents' living rights, and the role of detached from North Korea residents (northern people) reflected to the unified power.The plan and the establishment of the North -South official inter -dialogue agreement, and the establishment of the International Korean Peninsula Forum, etc., and other seven major promotion plans.

Some people point out that South Korea ’s National Day should be a painful history that commemorates the 36 years of Emperor’ s colonial rule. In this regard, the 8.15 unified declaration is obviously insufficient for criticism of Japan.However, this shows to some extent that Yin Xiyue's government is confident in Japan. Because South Korea's national strength has been strengthened and can compete with Japan equally, it will not be bound by the past.Of course, Japan should improve the distorted historical cognition.The well -known Japanese politicians including the Prime Minister Kishida, and the former Minister of the Environment of the next Prime Minister Koizumi Koi Koi Koji and the former Minister of Economic Security Kobayashi, all visited the Yasukuni Shrine, which worshiped the war criminals of the Pacific War, and gave the Korean government goodwill.It is regrettable to spill a pot of cold water. Japan should completely change the historical cognition that has not been reflected.

8.15 The Unified Declaration of the Unified Declaration clarified the unified process of South Korea's implementation and opened the door to the north and south dialogue.However, the unified process cannot be achieved by one party alone. The key is North Korea's response.In addition, I also hope that the international community will actively support the unified policies of the Korean government that yearn for peace and reunification.

The author is a professor at the University of Foreign Languages ​​and President of the Northeast Asia Future Cooperation Forum