After 60 years of hard work, Singapore has successfully transformed from a port city in the third world to a world -class metropolis.This satisfies the basics of clothing, food, housing, and transportation, and the dreams of old age and enjoying their old age; middle -aged or younger generations have grown in Xinxin's prosperous peace era.With the continuous development of the country, today's people have different dreams. They hope that the society will reduce the standards of the rules, and there will be more open free space that allows themselves to explore.This new society pulses to a new dream homeland. Therefore, we must make significant adjustments in policies and attitudes, especially in conceptual concepts, and start a new engine of struggle again.All Singaporeans including decision makers and government officials have the courage to create their dreams.

As the first prime minister to be born after independence, Huang Xuncai continued Singapore's political practice on Sunday (August 18), and gave a speech for the first National Day Mass Congress after taking office in three languages.He continued the spirit of his inauguration in May and pointed out that meeting the new Singapore dream of the younger generation is an important work of the government. The content of the speech focused on the economic, family, housing, and education, and continued to improve the lives of all citizens.

The speech puts forward some important changes, reflecting the future Singapore not only pays attention to economic development, but also emphasizes the importance of meaning and goals to the Chinese.Some measures need to be brewed for about a year, and others may take a longer period of time. This is also the spirit of governance that the Singapore government has always been unable to operate or not focus on short -term interests. It can also be said to be the benefit of long -term political stability.

A highlight of the economy is to create a more friendly environment, minimizing the regulations and specifications of supervision, Huang Xuncai also cited an example of drone applications.This really requires new thinking, not just the inherent practices that follow the old and adhere to the habit.To combine two aspects, government departments must change the process and regulatory thinking.In addition, the government will strengthen the spirit of entrepreneurship. Many business opportunities in emerging areas are discovered inadvertently. This is related to the creativity and perseverance of young people, and government agencies must continue to give corporate assistance.This requires close cooperation with the enterprise, and also involves the official maintenance.

In terms of training employment capabilities for the Chinese people, the government put forward a large -scale full -time training allowance for 3,000 yuan per month for the 40 -year -old and over Chinese people to create a "country of learning".Only when everyone takes new skills and new knowledge as the habit of setting up a life, can the new dream of the country be constantly updated.Many examples in history have proved that a nation that is at ease and forging ahead is difficult to maintain the country's honor and even survival.After the general improvement of national education, we have already had the conditions to advocate. We hope that the "country of learning" can become our important spiritual appearance.

In terms of family policies actively implemented in recent years, Huang Xuncai proposed to change his father -child childcare to legal four weeks and increase the ten -week parents who paid a salary of the government to share childcare leave.This is undoubtedly hoping to vigorously push young people on the issue of children; giving three children's big families more help, increasing the supply of pre -order group houses, and reducing the waiting period to less than three years, which is also based on the same concept.

In terms of education, young parents choose to be too anxious about their children's schools, which is both practical consideration and a matter of concept.The government has promised to continue to improve school facilities, and parents should believe that neighborhood schools can also teach good students.Huang Xuncai uses himself as an example to explain to parents that neighborhood schools are not bad, but they cannot persuade their parents. It can be seen that changes in parents' mentality require more time. It is also important to continue to improve school conditions.

In Chinese speeches, Huang Xuncai particularly emphasized that he will continue to support the Chinese society, support Chinese people to improve bilingual ability, encourage Chinese people to use Chinese Chinese from a young age to relax the conditions of high -level Chinese language, and cultivate more local talents who are proficient in Chinese.For all sectors of the Chinese society that is always worried about the level of local Chinese language, this frank and sincere speech is undoubtedly a long -awaited peace pill.

Huang Xuncai specifically pointed out before the speech ended that there is a place in Michigan in the United States, which is also called Singapore. It is an industrial city that appeared in the 1830s after the opening of Singapore.This story reminds Modern Asia Singaporeans that if it is only for short -term interests and wealth, the wealth will be scattered. It is better to be a tragedy.State construction must be unremitting efforts, and sincerely unite to prosper for a long time, creating a generation of new dreams for children and grandchildren.Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yao has reminded that Singapore needs to be cautious and bold.The fourth -generation government is showing their caution and stability and bold innovation. The next journey of the founding of the country is worth looking forward to.