The author does not suggest that Singapore's Chinese policy changes to the same way, but considers whether to expand his horizons and conspire far -sightedness to change the possible changes in the long -term geopolitics and economic and trade relations in Southeast Asia.EssenceThis includes whether it should start to strengthen Chinese learning and applications in terms of Chinese policy, so as to achieve a Chinese policy that causes the real bilingual.

Recently, articles discussed in the Lianhe Morning Post's speech and exchange stations, focusing on the current environmental factors of the current environmental factors in Singapore, which has gradually lowered the Chinese level, making people concerned about Chinese religion feelings and anxiety.However, according to experience and observation, the author wants to pointed out the driving force for Chinese education from China and the strategic significance of Southeast Asian Chinese education that encouraging the people to learn Chinese may be a national event that Southeast Asian countries value in the near future.

Since the reform and opening up in 1978, China's economic and social development has gone through the extraordinary brilliance of more than 40 years, and has achieved worldwide attention.Today, China's economic strength, comprehensive national strength, and influence in regional and international affairs have gradually increased.Among them, China's influence in the south of the world has continued to expand.As of August 2023, 152 countries have launched or promised to carry out the "Belt and Road" cooperation projects, and most of them come from the southern hemisphere.In 2023, China ’s exports to the Belt and Road countries surpassed the United States and Europe for the first time, which increased the confidence of China’ s decoupling.The role of the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) in global governance is challenged, and China's peaceful coexistence and development model provides another choice for developing countries.

Recently, both Africa and South America have set off a wave of learning Chinese. They all want to better understand China's development experience.On November 24, 2023, former senior diplomats in Singapore, Ma Kaishuo, emphasized in the World Chinese Conference and Shanghai Forum: "Promoting a deeper understanding of China is one of the most important tasks in the world today.The United States and other Western countries have a deep fear of threats to China and promote the solution of global challenges in hand.

When we come to the Southeast Asian region that we are more concerned about, China's rise for the driving force for Chinese education is more significant in the following aspects.

In terms of economy and trade, the Yasufi East South Asian Research Center in Yosov in Singapore released the Southeast Asian situation report in April this year: 2024 shows that China continues to be regarded as the most influential country in Southeast Asia.Since 2020, Asian'an is China's largest trading partner; since 2009, China has been the largest trading partner of Asianan; Singapore is the largest source of foreign capital in China (since 2013), and China is the largest source of foreign countries in many Asian nations.Essence

With the U.S. and European tariffs on Chinese products and the promotion of "Friends Outsourcing" to increase the trend of supply chain elasticity, in recent years, Chinese companies have entered Southeast Asia in recent years.Transforming into "production capacity to go to sea" (that is, set up local companies in Southeast Asia for investment and production).This promotes the interest of learning Chinese. For example, Chinese companies are generally used in Chinese. Local employees have the advantage of workplace in Chinese companies.Then, there are corporate culture differences in some countries in China and Southeast Asia. For example, the corporate culture of China's "996", and the workplace culture that is related to the family and family members of Southeast Asian countries, and the workplace culture that attaches importance to work and life is incompatible. Good language communication can promote the more effective integration of corporate culture of the two places.Essence

In terms of diplomatic relations, the community of China -Asia's Destiny Community proposed by China, and the strategic height of establishing partnership with some countries in China and some countries in Southeast Asia, it is necessary to enhance the exchange of culture, education and religion to understand the social values ​​of the other party.wait.The language of ideas and values ​​of culture is an important carrier of humanistic exchanges.Through language, you can better understand different cultural differences, treat things objectively, seek common ground while surviving, and tolerate each other.

In terms of science and academics, the theme of the economist on June 15 this year is the rise of Chinese science.The article ranks among the top 1%according to the number of references, indicating that the proportion of Chinese papers is more than the European Union or the United States.In 2023, the number of high -quality papers in China surpassed the United States for the first time.The article predicts: "China expects to realize self -sufficiency in more science and technology fields, hoping to jump out of the so -called international mainstream review framework in the West, and no longer use international publications as the standard for measuring research results." On June 25 this year, China Chang'e 6 was collected.Moon soil has attracted global attention.The Chinese academic community has hotly discussed that the research of Yuexiang samples will have a large number of historic achievements. Many scholars have called for the publication in Chinese to publish in Chinese, which gives priority to the top Chinese journals to expand China's influence.

In terms of science and technology and innovation, China -US science and technology decouples inspire China's high -quality development, encourages science and technology to promote the country, and promote industrial innovation and "new productive forces".China's curve overtaking, leading innovation on the new track, high -speed rail, new energy vehicles, Beidou satellites, 6G, intelligent computing power, industrial Internet platform, quantum technology, etc. are all good examples.Learning Chinese well helps to learn Chinese technology and prepare for the decoupling of China and the United States.

Finally, in terms of artificial intelligence (AI), the current Western AI large -scale language model (LLM) is mainly trained according to English data, dominated by Western thinking, reflecting the western cultural background and value orientation;It is regarded as irrelevant, errors or noise.At present, the Chinese AI industry in depth cooperation is developing high -quality Chinese AI large -scale language models, and actively collects Chinese novel data, ancient books data, encyclopedia data, news data, public government data, and professional fields.Use data containing "5,000 years of civilization and wisdom in China" to train the AI ​​model.At the same time, according to the IDC Global Data Sphere 2023 report: China's data volume will increase from the 23.88 Zettabytes (ZB) of 2022 to the 76.6 Zefo byte in 2027, with an average annual growth rate of 26.3%, and the growth rate is the world's number's massive Chinese data will be a relative advantage in developing AI.

The strategic significance of Chinese education in Southeast Asia

Looking at the development of the international situation above, the promotion of Chinese education in Southeast Asia is of great strategic significance.

1. Master the business opportunities of a new round of "Xiananyang" migration in Chinese companies.The cognition of Chinese language and culture can promote closer economic and trade cooperation. For example, to promote the understanding and integration of corporate culture and governance of China and Southeast Asia, and promote the "China +1" business strategy, the company's production chain is better at all aspects of all aspects of all aspects of the enterprise production chain at home and abroad.Connection.

2. We need "Asian Wisdom" to solve the Asian issue.China has massive data, which represents a large part of Asian language and culture.Singapore is currently developing a large language model of SEA-Lion AI open source. It is trained in the 11 official languages ​​in Southeast Asia, including English, Chinese, Indonesian, Malay, Thai, Vietnamese, etc.If the SEA-LION AI open source large language model can be added to Chinese data and create a large Asian language model, such "Asian wisdom" will provide better capabilities for insight into Asian affairs, thereby providing better services for the Asian economy and society.

Three, carry forward the principles of international relations governance of diversification, openness and tolerance in Southeast Asia.Southeast Asia needs to learn Chinese, which is in line with the social environment of multiple languages, multiple religions, multi -culture, and the political positions that are not selected.By advancing the understanding of each other's language and culture, understanding the differences between the East and West system and cultural differences is conducive to tolerance of East and Western thoughts and values.

Fourth, Southeast Asia to accommodate China and the United States, is a blessing place for common and peaceful development, not the new battlefield in China and the United States.Southeast Asia should be committed to transforming China's increasing influence into the power of regional common development and prosperity.By studying the cutting -edge technology and innovation of China and the West, integrating Eastern and West Wisdom, promoting better cooperation in the East and West, and putting the worldThe most eye -catching "Asia / Southeast Asian Age" pushed to another peak.

We must keep in mind an important data released by the United Nations in 2022. It shows that 89%of the world's conflicts occur in countries with less cultural dialogue!

The author does not suggest that Singapore's language policy changes to the same way, but considers whether to expand his horizons and conspire far -sisters. It will be the possible changes in geopolitics and economic and trade relations for Southeast Asia in the next 10, 20 years, or even longer.Prepare.This includes whether it should start to strengthen Chinese learning and applications in schools and society in terms of Chinese policy, so as to achieve the true bilingual language policy and face the future of Southeast Asia.

The author is a guest professor at the National University of Singapore and Nanyang University of Technology