Before entering the slightly heavy topic, first pull a leisure.Many readers who are familiar with Jin Yong's martial arts novels know a famous network stalk "Qiu Chuqi Passing the Niujia Village".

At the beginning of the Biography of the Heroes of the Condor, Qiu Qiuqiu Qiuqiu passed by Niujia Village, Lin'an Prefecture. Occasionally he met Guo Xiaotian and Yang Tiexin, so there were more than a hundred years of ups and downs in the three books of shooting, god sculpture, and Yi Tian.Story.

Some readers are even more open -minded. If Qiu Chuji did not pass by Niujia Village, the world would change greatly: Guo Xiaotian would not be killed, his son Guo Jing would not go to the desert, he could not save Tiemuzhen, and the Mongolian tribe could not be unified.There is no Western Expedition, all history in Europe and Asia must be rewritten.

Of course, this is only based on the fictional plot of the novel, but it reflects the principle of universality.Even in the real world, accidental factor may cause a chain reaction and eventually change the entire world.

Whether the trend of history has always been argued.Karl Popper pointed out in The Poverty of Historicism that the future process of human history is unpredictable and historical decision -making theory cannot be established.

Many major historical events, such as geographical discovery, the French Revolution, Hitler came to power, and China's reform and opening up, really have the background of the times, but the impact of key figures and emergencies must not be underestimated.For example, the founding of Singapore's founding and achievement today is also an inevitable factor and accidental factors.

Today, the fate of human beings has come to a subtle moment.The US election in November not only related to various social issues in the United States, but also deeply affecting the international situation in the next few years or even more time.

What are the fate of Ukraine and Taiwan, how will the situation in the Middle East, the Korean Peninsula, and the South China Sea develop, whether the United States will withdraw from international organizations, and whether China and the United States will have a more intense trade war or even decoupled ...One is the level of headlines. If several items occur and affect each other at the same time, what will the world look like, it is difficult to imagine.

Byndon performed badly in the debate in June, making Trump's victory rise sharply.The attempt to assassinate in July made Trump a big step towards the throne of the president.If the assassination has never happened, or the bullet directly hit the key, history may be in different directions.

Now Biden retired, Harris played, and the situation changed again.The momentum of the Democratic Party has risen, and the election situation is reappeared again.In the future, accidental factor may still be about results.

The election group system of the US election is implemented. Elementary votes in each state are "winners". Those who really decide to win or lose are only a few swing states.EssenceAn emergencies before the election, a missed candidate, and even a fake news on the Internet may change history.A small number of voters may not know that the voted ticket itself will affect the future of all mankind.

It sounds absurd, but this is reality.Rather than struggling with the accidental nature of history, it is better to reflect on these two problems: Why is a US election that determines the power of the world?How can human society go to such a situation of war and crisis today?